Autopostgresqlbackup – Backup your PostgreSQL databases daily,weekly, and monthly
Autopostgresqlbackup is a shell script (usually executed from a cron job) designed to provide a fully automated tool to make periodic backups of PostgreSQL databases.
On Debian systems, autopostgresqlbackup can be configured by editing some options in file /etc/default/autopostresqlbackup
Install Autopostgresqlbackup on ubuntu
Open the terminal and run the following command
sudo apt-get install autopostgresqlbackup
The above command will complete the installation process
Using autopostresqlbackup
You need to run the following command to run the backup
sudo autopostgresqlbackup
you have the backups in /var/lib/autopostgresqlbackup organized by daily/weekly/monthly folders then databasename folder.
If you need to configure parameters such as host, restricted databases to backup, compression type, etc…, autopostgresqlbackup file in /etc/default/ is what you are looking for
sudo vi /etc/default/autopostgresqlbackup
Ubuntu installs a cron script with this program that will run it every day. It will organize the files to the appropriate directory.
What does the script use for mailing the backups?