How to setup Cricket Wireless A600 Broadband Modem in Ubuntu
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Download the .tar.gz file from here and extract the contents to your preferred directory using the following command
Open up terminal and enter the following command
tar xzvf Cricket_Mode_Switch.tar.gz
and use cd to change into the directory of the extracted files.
32 bit Users -- Install usb_modeswitch with the following command:
sudo make install
64 bit Users -- We need to recompile modeswitch to work on the 64bit platform. Run the following commands in terminal to do so
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install libusb-dev
rm usb_modeswitch
sudo make install
Plug in your Cricket A600 to an open USB port, wait a moment for it to be detected as a CD drive/the auto play menu to pop up. Now we just need to execute the, it is in the directory of files you extracted, by running the following command
sudo ./
Please note you need to first make this file executable by running the following command
chmod +x
After running the you need to wait about 12 seconds and then poof! Your Cricket device should now appear in your network manager as a connection option.
Useful Notes
You will need to
each time you attach the device for it to work.
Before this guide will work for you, you do need to load the device on a Windows/Mac system and install the software for the device and activate it.
Cricket Broad Band A600 EN ESPAÑOL, las mayoria de tutoriales para el modem de cricket estan en ingles, pero para los que hablan castellano, quiero decirles, que en Ubuntu 9.10 y 10.04, lo detecta automaticamente, siempre y cuando lo hayas arrancado en MS windows y no lo hayas desconectado. Una vez que estes conectado en MS windows, solo reinicia la maquina, selecciona en el GRUB la opciòn de Ubuntu y listo en la parte superior derecha de la pantalla aparecere un icono como antenita y si le das click veras la opciòn de Cricket Communications Conection, solo dale conectar y listo. Solo en el supuesto que no apareciera esta opciòn, en el icono de antenita (o de red) seleccionas la opciòn conecciones VNP… Configuarar VNP… Banda Ancha Movil…y agregas a Cricket Communications. Reinicias tu equipo lo arrancas desde wiondows, prendes tu modem, lo conectas a la red, reinicias tu maquina sin apagarlo, en el GRUB, seleccionas Ubuntu y listo en el icono de Antenita, solo elige la opciòn conectar y ya.