Howto install Last.FM / Scrobbler plugin in Audacious2 on Lucid Lynx
The Audacious developers have removed support for Last.FM / Scrobbler in the most recent version.If you want to install Last.FM / Scrobbler plugin in Audacious2 on ubuntu Lucid Lynx follow this procedure
First you need to download Last.FM / Scrobbler plugins
cd ~
Now you need to move these .so files under audacious plugins directory
mv ~/.local/share/audacious/Plugins/
If you do this way there are no images included in settings.
Credit goes here
Alternatively, you can can say goodbye to Audacious and hello to qmmp which seems to scrobble even better. Besides, the latter supports Audacious / Winamp skins so probably you won’t even notice the change. Audacious has become somehow strange with its plugins recently. qmmp does the job well and is really feature rich, so maybe it’s worth giving it a try.
I am trying qmmp, as suggested and it looks great.
Me too. Let’s see how it’ll work.
still works. Audacious 2.3, Crunchbang linux. many thanks.