IPBlock – Graphical IP Blocker

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iplist allows users with no or basic knowledge of iptables to filter (e.g. to block) network traffic based on (automatically updated) lists. These lists have various formats and are sorted by different categories (e.g. countries, adware, corporations).

IPBlock Features

  • to protect your privacy while sharing with others
  • to ban unwanted clients from servers
  • to block whole countries or networks
  • to block spam- and ad-servers

ipblock is part of the iplist package which can be downloaded from here

Download ipblock using the following command

wget http://puzzle.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/iplist/iplist_0.14-0feisty1_i386.deb


iplist requires a 2.6.14 kernel or later with the option CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_NFQUEUE enabled (module or build-in). On a standard Debian installation (Etch) the additional packages libnetfilter-queue1 and libnfnetlink1 are needed.

sudo aptitude install libnetfilter-queue1 libnfnetlink1 sun-java6-jre

If you are installing gusty install this package libnfnetlink0 (gutsy) instead of libnfnetlink1

Now we have .deb package we need to install this using the following comamnd

sudo dpkg -i iplist_0.14-0feisty1_i386.deb

This will install all the required packages for ipblock.

After the installation if you want to open ipblock go to Applications -> Internet -> ipblock.Once it opens you should see similar to the following screen

Lists Tab

The default choice for lists is similar to peerguardian.

  • level1.gz -- Anti-P2P organizations and known government addresses
  • ads-trackers-and-bad-pr0n.gz -- Advertising and data tracker servers
  • spyware.gz -- Malicious spyware and adware servers
  • edu.gz -- Educational institutions and universities
  • bogon.gz -- Spoofed IP-addresses

Custom p2p or dat lists can easily be added. Note that lists can optionally be compressed with gzip.These lists are maintained here

Settings Tab

All options can be configured in this tab. Auto-updating lists is important and the default choice of 2 days is reasonable. Using out-of-date lists is not recommended.

To ignore specific network traffic like HTTP or EMAIL (pop3) use the ignored ports section.

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13 Responses

  1. jj says:

    sudo aptitude libnetfilter-queue1 libnfnetlink1 sun-java6-jre

    sudo aptitude install libnetfilter-queue1 libnfnetlink1 sun-java6-jre

  2. admin says:

    thanks updated the article

  3. bishpuppy says:

    so this is like PeerGuardian for windows?

  4. Lutfi says:

    What is different iplist/ipblock with moblock (http://moblock-deb.sourceforge.net)

  5. stinger30 says:

    thanks for the info. i went straight to the souce forge page and downloaded the .deb file i needed. saved it to desktop then double click it to open and let ubuntu worry about it.

    after installed, restarted pc, did update and its been running fine since

  6. admin_papa says:

    Hello Everybody

    Just wanted to share my new experience.

    If your system fails to run due to an error related to lost HAL.DLL, invalid Boot.ini or any other critical system boot files you can repair this by using the XP installation CD. Just boot from your XP Setup CD and enter the Recovery Console. Then run “attrib -H -R -S” on the C:\Boot.ini file and delete it. Launch “Bootcfg /Rebuild” and then Fixboot


  7. bidik says:

    hallo there

    i have a problem…when I installing ipblock I have error- package architecture (i386) does not match the system (amd64). I didnt found ipblock for 64bit AMD…..
    can anybody help me?

    sorry for my english 🙂

  8. bidik says:

    …i found amd64 version but when i install it there is a problem – error: dependency is not satisfiable: libnfnetlink1

  9. lojza says:

    i have same problem….when i try to instal libnfnetlink1 with command- sudo aptitude install libnetfilter-queue1 libnfnetlink1 sun-java6-jre

    i am not from USA or GB so I dont speek english very well 🙂 this is translate by translate.google.com 😀 it is not exactly

    root @ gods-desktop: / home / gods # sudo aptitude install libnetfilter-queue1 libnfnetlink1 sun-java6-jre
    Reading package lists … Done
    Creating a dependency-tree
    Reading state information … Done
    Reading extended state information
    Initializing package states … Done
    Could not find any package whose name or description matches the “libnfnetlink1”
    Could not find any package whose name or description matches the “libnfnetlink1”
    The following packages are BROKEN:
    sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre
    0 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
    Need to get 30.7 megabytes archives. Once this will be used 87.6 megabytes.
    The following packages have unmet dependencies:
    sun-java6-bin: Depends on: unixODBC a virtual package.
    sun-java6-jre: It depends on: java-common (> = 0.24) which is a virtual package.
    Unable to resolve dependencies! I surrender …
    The following packages are BROKEN:
    sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre
    0 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
    Need to get 30.7 megabytes archives. Once this will be used 87.6 megabytes.
    aptitude failed to find a solution to these dependencies. You can solve them yourself by hand or type ‘n’ to quit.
    The following packages have unmet dependencies:
    sun-java6-bin: Depends on: unixODBC a virtual package.
    sun-java6-jre: It depends on: java-common (> = 0.24) which is a virtual package.
    Resolve these dependencies by hand? [N/+/-/_/:/?]

    ….anybody help?

  10. atebretset says:

    This article is outdated. Checkout the latest version http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=530183 .

  11. t0m5k1 says:

    thanks for the howto

    i was wondering if it is possible to have this update the blacklist that comes with sohreline firewall or maybe a way to convert the peergaurdian .dat list into a format that can be added to the shoreline firewall blacklist??

  12. abdullah says:

    can any one help on hw to block my ip and how to convert the ip addrees

  13. t0m5k1 says:


    why would you want to block YOUR IP address?
    you cannot ‘convert’ an IP address, the closest you would get to this is to ‘translate’ a public IP address into a ‘private’ IP address by use of a router

    without sounding condescending or demeaning i suggest you look into the basic’s of networking & try to re-construct your question.

    IP block is not designed to block YOUR IP address (even though it can block access to certain ports) it’s main use is to block external connections from a list of IP address from accessing ANYTHING on your PC which runs IP block

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