LXDE – Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment for Ubuntu
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LXDE Features
- Lightweight, runs with reasonable memory usage
- Fast, rund well even on older machines produced in 1999
- Good-looking, gtk+ 2 internationalized user interface
- Easy-to-use, the user interface is simple, but usable enough
- Desktop independent (suprise! Every component can be used without LXDE)
- Standard compliant, follows the specs on freedesktop.org
- Suitable for old machines
Install lxde in Ubuntu
First you need to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file add the following lines
For Hardy Users
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/lxde/ubuntu hardy main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/lxde/ubuntu hardy main
For Gutsy Users
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/lxde/ubuntu gutsy main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/lxde/ubuntu gutsy main
Save and exit the file.
update the source list using the following command
sudo aptitude update
Install lxde desktop environment using the following command
sudo aptitude install lxde
This will install all the required packages for lxde.
Intrepid Ibex and future releases
LXDE desktop has been added to Ubuntu stable repositories. No editing of sources are needed.
sudo aptitude install lxde
Now you need to logout from your system go to Options--->Select Session...
Now select LXDE option and click on Change Session
Next screen you can select if you want LXDE desktop environment as default or only for this session
After logging in you can see similar to the following beautiful desktop environment
LXDE Logout Screen
I’ve tried KDE twice or thrice just to see. Like a gypsy woman with too many trinkets.
I’ve tried gnome a couple of times. User-friendly but can be quirky.
I’ve tried lxde at least thrice. PCLOS lxde, Debian lxde, Lubuntu, Mandrive MUD lxde, Peppermint One and Peppermint One Respin.
lxde is getting better all the time. I think I will stick to it.
i just want to know how many resource does lxde need? n what about the battery consumting in laptop?
Currently have lxde running on my Android smart phone XD
what an ugly task bar! Looks like crap.