Mount ISO’s easely in gnome – nautilus

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If you simply wish to right click and .iso and select mount follow this simple guide on how to use nautilus scripts to accomplish this:

Firstly create two scripts with mount_iso and unmount_iso

One for mount iso and another one for unmount iso

.ISO Mount Script
Create mount_iso file or download this file from here
vi .gnome2/nautilus-scripts/mount_iso


gedit .gnome2/nautilus-scripts/mount_iso

Add the following save and exit

gksudo -u root -k /bin/echo "got r00t?"

sudo mkdir /media/"$*"

if sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 "$*" /media/"$*"
if zenity --question --title "ISO Mounter" --text "$* Successfully Mounted.

Open Volume?"
nautilus /media/"$*" --no-desktop
exit 0
sudo rmdir /media/"$*"
zenity --error --title "ISO Mounter" --text "Cannot mount $*!"
exit 1

.ISO UnMount Script
Create unmount_iso file or download this file from here

vi .gnome2/nautilus-scripts/unmount_iso


gedit .gnome2/nautilus-scripts/unmount_iso
Add the following save and exit


for I in "$*"
foo=`gksudo -u root -k -m "enter your password for root terminal
access" /bin/echo "got r00t?"`

sudo umount "$I" && zenity --info --text "Successfully unmounted /media/$I/" && sudo rmdir "/media/$I/"

Now change the permissions on the two files

sudo chmod 755 ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/*_iso

Restart gnome


Select an ISO image, right click and select scripts then select mount_iso

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11 Responses

  1. Red Five says:

    These scripts didn’t work for me at all on Gutsy. But I fixed them.


    for I in “$@”
    if [ ! -e /media/”${I%.iso}” ]
    then gksudo mkdir /media/”${I%.iso}”
    if sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 “$I” /media/”${I%.iso}”
    nautilus –no-desktop /media/”${I%.iso}”
    exit 0
    gksudo rmdir /media/”${I%.iso}”
    zenity –error –title “ISO Mounter” –text “Cannot mount $I!”
    exit 1


    for I in “$@”
    gksudo umount /media/”$I”
    gksudo rmdir /media/”$I”
    exit 0

  2. Lutfi says:

    I’m using this and can mount/unmount iso image for all user:

    It’s provide .deb file

  3. nitr8 says:

    thanks Red Five,

    do you mind if I update the article to include yours?


  4. Ibod Catooga says:

    I mounted yo’ mama in Linux. It didn’t take no script, just some Pabst Blue Ribbon.

  5. Jeffrey Seguerra says:

    I use gmountiso for mounting iso.

  6. Red Five says:

    Sure, Nitr8, go ahead.

  7. joruss says:

    Also, no need to ctrl-alt-backspace, just kill nautilus and it’ll restart automatically.

  8. andrea says:

    How do I create an icon in nautilus an image mounted in /mnt/imageloop ?
    I can not move the mount point on /media

  9. NeoZiggy says:

    Thanks guys. I was searching for a GUI program, but this is just as good, if not better.

    Andrea: I’m guessing your trying to make a launcher for the mounted image?
    Right-click on your desktop, select ‘Create Launcher’, then add the appropriate information (I believe the command would be “nautilus /mnt/imageloop”, without the quotes.), then click the icon box in the top left and pick an icon.
    If not, google around or ask on your distro’s support forums. ( for me)

  10. Benjamin says:

    Hi, thanks a lot for the scripts. They work nicely. Great work.

    However, there are few little mistakes that are easy to fix: in the second script, there’s one “done” too much and it’s “exit 0” not “exit0”. Then, in both scripts, if you copy directly, the line ends are not correct and the double quotation marks are not the correct ones (do they come from some windows program?).

  11. Anders says:

    In my world, nothing is “easy” if it requires to write a script. It doesnt matter how easily understood the script is.

    Its “easy” if it requires a right click menu choice.

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