Post to Twitter from the Terminal Window
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Install curl in ubuntu
Open the command prompt and enter the following command
sudo aptitude install curl
Enter your root password when it is prompted.
Using curl
Now if you want to post to Twitter use the following command in single line
curl -u yourusername:yourpassword -d status=”Your Message Here”
You will receive a response containing the XML coding for your post which acts as a confirmation that your post was submitted.
Using wget
Enter the following command in single line
wget -O -- –user=YOURUSERNAME –password=YOURPASSWORD –post-data=”status=YOUR NEW STATUS HERE”
Using ZenTwitter
Download ZenTwitter from here
Just dump it into your ~/bin directory, open it in the editor of your choice to change the username/password, make it executable (chmod a+x) and add a launcher icon to the panel/menu/desktop of your preferred window manager.
Nice use of zenity 🙂
The wget command line is incorrect for GNU Wget 1.11.4 on Windows:
-user should be –http-user
-password should be –http-password
Also, –no-check-certificate seems to be required.
Even then, Twitter rejects the request with HTTP 401, “Unauthorized”
I think this is because Twitter has changed their autorisation scheme?
Is it still possible to Tweet using wget?