Simple LightDM Manager

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Since Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric, LightDM replaces GDM as the default display manager.If you want to manage lightdm you can use Simple LightDM Manager.Currently this tool only supports chaging background and logo

Install Simple LightDM Manager on ubuntu 11.10

Open the terminal and run the following commands

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:claudiocn/slm
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install simple-lightdm-manager

After installation you can open Simple LightDM Manager by searching from dash home

Once it opens you should see similar to the following screen

Color selection screen


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8 Responses

  1. Trinae says:

    Great program that I use to bring uniformity to the log-in screen and my desktop. Should be part of the default Ubuntu installation.

  2. Rene says:

    Doesn’t work for me. The image I pick gets reset to an empty file.jpg in my user settings. Now I have a black login screen, not very cool

  3. Gupti says:

    Same here. How can this bug be fixed?

  4. Pedro Lobo says:

    I believe that this program does not work if the Home folder is encrypted, maybe that’s the problem

  5. Thomas Naser says:

    Tried to download your program, but I keep getting the message
    “Unable to locate package simple-lightdm-manager”

    And the repository does show up in my sources list.

    I even tried rebooting, the familiar Windows cure-all, but I still get the same message.

  6. C_Smith says:

    I had found a workaround for the drawback of this program with ecryptfs, whilst not using the program, first, you have to open up a gksudo session of Nautilus to copy the image to a program OUTSIDE of the home folder, such as /usr/share/backgrounds , the you have to edit the lightdm config file to point to the file you just copied/moved, I’m not gonna explain it when OMG! Ubuntu explains it better here: just remember to point it to the image file you added like i said, and you can’t just open a gksudo session of gedit from within the gksudo session of nautilus, doesn’t work like that.

  7. C_Smith says:

    that Windows cure-all doesn’t usually work outside windows, so if you do that, don’t usually expect it to work. just a tip.

  8. Galen says:

    You most likely need to update your repository after you add the ppa.

    So try “sudo apt-get update”, then run the last two commands.

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