Unsettings – Graphical configuration program for the Unity desktop

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Unsettings is a graphical configuration program for the Unity desktop environment that lets you change some oft the Unity settings.Unsettings can only change your users’s settings, you can’t use it to change global settings or do anything else that needs root privileges.

You can use Unsettings to change the themes for GTK, window manger, icons and cursors. But it doesn’t support the installation of new themes.

With Unsettings you can switch off the global menu and the overlay scrollbars used in Unity.

In addition to just applying the settings Unsettings lets you to save your settings into and load from a text file (JSON format) so you can easily backup you settings or copy them to a different account.

Install Unsettings in ubuntu 12.04/11.10

Open the terminal and run the following commands

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:diesch/testing
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install unsettings



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3 Responses

  1. Stephen in Swords says:

    Apart from the UI, what is the difference between Unsettings and MyUnity?

  2. dtigue says:

    It looks like a MyUnity ripoff. The only difference I can see from the screenshot is that instead of having the list of different things you can change up at the top of the application (like MyUnity) this application puts the list on the left hand side. So to me (without looking at the source code), I would think this is a blatant ripoff of MyUnity. If it doesn’t bring anything new to the table in terms of configuring your systems look & feel then it is a pointless application and the developer should have spent time on something that doesn’t already have an application that can do the same things and is already popular among the people who use Ubuntu.

  3. bugsoren says:

    Lets clarify the differences. Unsettings provides adjustment of 60+ different settings. Whereas, MyUnity only provides around 30. Yes, some of what Unsettings provides is also available in other Unity settings, but this is about centralizing everything into one tool.

    Unsettings also provides the ability to save and restore settings. So you can have different setting profiles for different purposes.

    Another small point, MyUnity is written in Gambas, an enhanced BASIC. Which is now a really off mainstream language. Whereas, Unsettings is written in Python. Wouldn’t be my choice either, but a much more mainstream, and supported language.

    Finally, this is also about choice. Why do we have Unity in the first place? Why didn’t Canonical stick with just Gnome3? Why do we have the choice of 6 or more desktops? If we didn’t “ripoff” other things and improve on them, there wouldn’t be progress. And we wouldn’t have choices. Maybe we should just allow ourselves to be coerced into buying the commercial stuff. But we are given alternatives that we are free to choose from. Use what you like.

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