YouAmp – Yet another music player for Linux

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YouAmp is yet another music player for Linux. But it is different than the other players ,if you are convinced by these outstanding features you can give it a try here. Do not be afraid if nothing happens on first startup as it will index your whole home directory which takes a while.
Basically this re-implements Tracker for music files – and indeed one of the features of this release is that I throw away Tracker. Although the Tracker devs never get tired of praising the cool new features they are implementing, their last stable release Tracker 0.6 is an unusable piece of crap. But I am actually looking forward to try out Tracker 0.7 once it gets an stable release for using it with YouAmp.

For those waiting for playlist in YouAmp on maemo: this release means they are not far away. The main purpose of the last release on maemo was basically to sync the code with the desktop version. Now it only needs some polish and UI love, so it works well on the small screen.


* intuitive music browsing

* Album Art display

* submission

* Replaygain Support with smart replaygain mode selection

* gapless playback

* uses Tracker for searching

* plays everything that Gstreamer understands

* intuitive drag’n'drop

Install youamp in Ubuntu

For ubuntu 9.10(Karmic) Users

Open the terminal and run the following commands

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rojtberg/youamp

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install youamp

For ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) Users

First you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list

gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the following lines

deb jaunty main
deb-src jaunty main

Save and exit the file

Add GPG Key

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys C2A6B0B1

Update the source list

sudo apt-get update

Install youamp using the following command

sudo apt-get install youamp

Screen Shots

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10 Responses

  1. David says:

    The install gave me the following error:

    Processing triggers for python-support …
    /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/youamp/ …
    File “usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/youamp/”, line 168
    except urllib2.URLError as e:
    Syntax Error: invalid syntax

  2. Eshant says:

    Why not anyone of them is making Internet Download Manager like software for Linux. It is extremely required..

    Downthemall is very basic, it is simple downloader, not manager

    The most fascinating feature of IDM is “intelligent segmentation”, different type of customisable queues , etc

  3. Daeng Bo says:


    Look into GWGet. “Gwget offers a GNOME front-end to the popular wget application, with enhanced features, such as systray icon, multiple downloads and a powerful preferences manager.”

  4. Nico - Argentina says:

    @Eshant Try JDownloader!

  5. Eshant says:

    Thanks to both 4 reply..
    Right now I am going to try JDownloader

    I had tried GWGet but it is also very basic, I have to say

    more features i frgot to mention abt IDM are:-
    –integrate with OS(take over download from “all” browsers)
    –upto 16 segment download(with intelligent segmentation means that when any segment get completed then an incomplete segment is divided to reproduce maximum segment say 16, if set for 16)
    –then setting like autoshutdown/autostart
    –any number of queues(synchronous/asynchronous) can be made with different setting like based on particular download speed, for particular day, to be processed for particular interval of time,etc, etc

  6. Fernando says:

    tried to install Karmic AMD64, got the same error as David

  7. Yelonek says:

    Eshant, try plowshare from google code.

  8. David says:

    Thank you Fernando, for being the only other commenter to stay remotely on topic! BTW my error occurred on Karmic Intel 32 so it doesn’t seem to be processor specific.

  9. Murukesh Mohanan says:

    Ahh.. it seems I’ll never be able to enjoy YouAmp, since it never seems to finish loading the library. Using Quod Libet, I reloaded the library twice, went through an album lasting an hour and 35 minutes, and yet YouAmp hadn’t finished.

  10. Sergei_Alekseev says:

    I have YouAmp installed on N810.
    But playing very quietly, like 1/3 of loudness.
    How to fix it?

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