Blogging From Ubuntu Using Drivel

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Drivel is a GNOME client for working with online journals, also known as weblogs or simply blogs. It retains a simple and elegant design while providing many powerful features.

Drivel Features

Support for LiveJournal, Blogger, MovableType, Advogato, and Atom journals (systems based off these are also supported,

including WordPress and Drupal)

The ability to post, edit, delete, and view recent entries

Integrated spellchecking and HTML syntax highlighting

Offline composition and editing

Automatic recovery in the event of a crash

Journal system extensions, including LiveJournal security groups and MovableType categories

Install Drivel in Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install drivel

This will complete the installation

Now if you want to open drivel go to Applications--->Internet--->Drivel Journal Editor you can see this in the following screen

Once it open drivel you should see the following screen here you need to select the username,password,journal type and server address

Here you can select the available journal types by selecting drop down box you can see in the following screen

If you want to blog wordpress or Drupal you need to select MovableType as the Journal Type and enter the server address.For wordpress blogging you need to add xmlrpc.php at the end of your blog address.

In this example i am using livejournal login details you can see this in the following screen and click on login

Once you logged in to livejournal you can see the following screen here you can add your content to your blog

If you click on show more options at the bottom of the window you should see the following screen

Now we will post our first post to my livejournal enter all the details and click on post

Drivel Version Details

Now we will see each tool bar options available for drivel Journal Editor

Drivel Journal Options you can see in the following screen

Drivel Edit Options you can see in the following screen like clear entry,last entry,friends etc

If you select Preferences option from edit you should see the following screen

Drivel View Options you can see in the following screen like Highlight spelling errors,Highlight HTML

Drivel Format Options you can see in the following screen like selecting fornt type,insert image,insert link etc

Drivel Web Links Options you can see in the following screen like recent entries,calender view etc

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9 Responses

  1. neural says:

    Very nicely written article.
    The instructions were flawless and the screenshots help a lot.
    Thank you,
    P.S: Some of the entries in “Show options” wouldn’t show for me (I am using Ubuntu 6.10; WordPress). Is that typical for a movable type?

  2. admin says:

    I have installed this on ubuntu edgy eft version and may be old version doesn’t have some options

  3. bapoumba says:

    I did not know drivel, just tested it on edgy. Some options are indeed only available for liveJournal (I have a WordPress blog). Check the Help menu > Usage. For example, you can only edit recent entries, and the “show more options” only shows “categories”. I’m going to give it a try, anyway. Thank you 🙂

  4. msg_dracula says:

    I have tested Dripel (I’ve got a blog launched by WordPress) and I didn’t find one function in this software.

    In fact, I try to publish one article a day on my blog, and I usually write them by advance and I choose for each one the day of publication, so if I write 4 article on a day, they will publish on the four next days.

    But I didn’t found any options to parameter this in Drivel, and this is why I don’t use it. Moreover, I find wordpress administrative interface very well done, and you can get lot of editing option withs advance WYSIWYG editors. That’s why I consider the best is to edit posts directly in the administration interface of WordPress.

    Dripel is a young project, and would need to improve fonctionnality. I think I will inform about it in the future. May be, it can be interesting.

  5. emxsi says:

    Does not work if your blogger account have been migrated to google. 🙂

  6. Taufan Lubis says:

    Need your help.
    I’ve followed all your instruction and worked perfect until I have to connect to my WORDPRESS.
    You said you have to add xmlrpc.php at the end of my blog address.
    What should I type at “Server address?” ???


  7. jak says:

    Thanks bro! Real good work!i

  8. uure says:

    This is a great tutorial thanks!

  9. Fub says:

    While I like Drivel a lot to do my blogging with (I have a permanent account on LiveJournal), I was getting tired of the lack of tag support. I have created a patch that adds tag support for LiveJournal, along with clear instructions on how to apply the patch to the Ubuntu source. I now use my own patched version of Drivel, and I hope more people will try it out and provide feedback, so that I can submit a perfectly working patch to the maintainers soon.

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