ccd2iso – Convert CloneCD disc image (.img) format to standard ISO (.iso)
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ccd2iso converts FOO.IMG to ISO format and writes the result to BAR.ISO.If fewer arguments than expected are given,ccd2iso will print its help message and quit. If more arguments than expected are given,ccd2iso will silently ignore them and use only the first two arguments.
IMG files are raw-data copies of optical media,generated primarily by the Windows application CloneCD, and are primarily used to store CDs with odd properties,such as sectors which need to have read errors when read. Conversion to ISO format removes this information,as ISO format does not support this.
IMG files almost always include a SUB file, which contains additional data for the disc format, and a CCD file, which is a plaintext configu-ration file describing the disc layout.ccd2iso does not make use of these files, but the applications which generate them expect them to have the same FOO prefix as the IMG file.
Install ccd2iso in ubuntu
sudo aptitude install ccd2iso
This will complete the installation.
ccd2iso Syntax
ccd2iso [FOO.IMG] [BAR.ISO]
ccd2iso file.img file1.iso
it’s nice tool,but no gui?
venhow // AcetoneISO2 ^-^?
I always rename img to iso, never had any problems with that (hope my img file is made by CloneCD and nothing else). I don’t see the point on using ccd2iso. If I need any converter I use AcetoneISO2.