Gejengel – Lightweight audio player
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Some key features:
* Easy to use
* Properly handles compilation albums (even if album artist tag is not set)
* Lean and fast (low on dependencies)
* Gapless playback (even for mp3 by reading encoder delay, zeropadding from files)
* Various audio outputs (Alsa, Pulseaudio, OpenAL)
* Last.Fm scrobbling (optional plugin)
* Remote control through dbus (MPRIS specification) (optional plugin)
Install Gejengel in Ubuntu 10.04
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/extra && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gejengel
For Ubuntu 9.10 Users
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/linuxfreedomkarmic && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gejengel
Using gejengel
You can open this application from Applications--->Sound & Video--->Gejengel
Gejengel Screenshot
Source from here
Does this or one of the other players support ipod? I don’t use them but people always ask and I have no reply.
LOL: ‘Gejengel’ is Dutch for ‘whimper’ (from whimpering) or whine (from whining).
I’ll be critical:
* Terrible appearance
* Compared to Audacious or Deadbeef, two players that use around 15mb of RAM, it can’t be that lightweight.
* No advanced input plugins as far as we are concerned (neither the blog posts or the homepage bother to mention if it supports anything but mp3)
I cannot see a reason to use this app.
there´s no support for 64bit, even –force-architecture doesn´t work due to a library problem..
(i didn´t try to fix it)