How to Enable Packet Injection on a Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Wireless Card

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Packet injection is a computer networking term which refers to sending a packet on a network into an already established connection.This tutorial will explain how to Enable Packet Injection on a Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Wireless Card
Open a terminal and type the following commands

Preparing your system

You need to install following packages

sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev

Download drivers using the following comamnd


extract the archive file

tar -xjf ipwraw-ng*

go to the extracted folder

cd ipwraw-ng

compile the source files into a binary


install the driver

sudo make install

sudo make install_ucode

blacklist the default ipwraw

echo "blacklist ipwraw" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/ipwraw

Create a dependency file for the modules

sudo depmod -ae

unload driver that you do not need

sudo modprobe -r iwl3945

load the driver that you installed

sudo modprobe ipwraw

enable the network adapter

sudo ifconfig wlan0 up

When you're done, open a terminal and type lsmod, you should see the ipwraw driver loaded.

Source from here

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13 Responses

  1. Vadim P. says:

    Any idea if this works on 4965?

  2. Guilhem says:

    For 3945 or 4965, you doesn’t need ipwraw if you use iwlwifi.
    You can make injection with iwlwifi, but not on “wifi0”.
    You must create an other interface (with airmon) and the injection will work on this.

  3. Sepp says:

    hm i thought ipwraw is deprecated?

    i m using the iwlwifi like Guilhem mentioned.

    if you are realy interested in this stuff, a good start would be to take a look at iwl3945 page.

  4. says:

    Any idea if this works on 4965?

  5. Larry says:

    The ipwraw driver is not necessary since Hardy. Since kernel verion 2.6.27 iwl3945 already supports injection, and with kernel version 2.6.28 iwl4965 and iwl5XXX support injection.

    The ipwraw driver is very buggy as well. I would substitute out the section in regards to ipwraw driver and instead have the user install aircrack-ng, libnl-dev and iw. libnl-dev is needed by iw and iw is a userspace CLI utility used by airmon-ng to create the monitor interface mon0.

    Just do this:

    # sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng libnl-dev iw
    # sudo airmon-ng wlan0

    Now, you have a new interface called mon0. You use the mon0 interface for both injection via aireplay-ng and collecting data via airodump-ng.

    To go one step further, you can use airoscript to automate a lot of the attacks. Airoscript works well with aircrack-ng 1.0rc2.

  6. Probes says:

    Hey! after that now i have ipwraw but when i try to go back to ipw3945 it says “Module ipw3945 not found.” What’s it?

  7. Larry says:

    Probes: The ipw3945 driver has been deprecated since Hardy Heron. The new driver is iwl3945.

  8. celaka says:

    it didnt work with precompiled kernel 2.6.30.x

  9. Bah says:

    Any idea how to do it with iwl4965 in Karmic Koala?

  10. Daniel says:

    And what about Windows 7? Thank youu.

  11. Puski says:

    Windows 7?? lol try intalling directx on linux… will have beter luck 😛 . Just get used to linux if u want to use packet injection.

  12. sid says:

    Has anyone figured out how to enable packet injection on this Inter Wireless card 3945ABG using WINDOWS XP ? I’m trying to familiarize myself with Linux. Until then I’d appreciate any help.

  13. Puski says:

    3945 does not support packet injection on windows, at least not simultaneously with capturing, so it’s no use for it. There is a solution to inject via a 3rd party driver/software (i don’t remember the name…) but then it can’t capture in the same time (that is worthless if you want to use it with aircrack or similar).

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