How to find the version of ubuntu you have installed

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This tutorial explain how to find the version of ubuntu you have installed

For Ubuntu 12.04 users

Select Go to System Settings from the following menu

Click on details

This provides the Ubuntu version details

You can also use the following command from your terminal

lsb_release -a

For ubuntu 11.10 users

Opening System Settings and then opening the System Info section

You can also use the following command from your terminal

lsb_release -a

Anotherway of finding ubuntu version is From the web browser’s address bar: ghelp:about-ubuntu

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4 Responses

  1. ImportantIsMissing says:

    Greetings, you know I see all the tutorials about ubuntu and very helpful but one tutorial that seem to miss all the time is of sharing resources like 3G internet sharing cause its more important where I stay as it is a developing country, may someone point me to the right direction.

  2. JohnP says:

    This appears to be for stock Unity systems.

    Many people use hybrid setups, i.e. not running stock Unity. It would be nice to have a way to know:
    a) 32-bit or 64-bit
    b) Desktop or Server edition
    c) which DE is used

    I know how to determine 32/64-bit – `uname -m`, but don’t know how to determine the others. Does a non-GUI desktop install looks the same as a server?

  3. To show the version installed You can check the file /etc/lsb-release using:

    cat /etc/lsb-release

    Format is like this:

    DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION=”Ubuntu 11.04″

  4. Martin M. says:

    Provides the same information, but works on nearly all Linux distributions:

    cat /etc/issue

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