How to install Rediff Bol 8.0 (Messenger) in Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick)

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If you want to install Rediff Bol 8.0 (messenger) in Ubuntu first you have to install Wine. Installation of wine software in two way.
First way through the command line
second way through the Ubuntu software center

In first way
you go to applications---> accessories ---> Terminal

and type sudo apt-get install wine after installation complete

you should install Microsoft's True Type fonts:

sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts

In the second way

you go to applications ---> Ubuntu software center ---> in search box type wine

It will show Wine Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Beta Release)

Wine Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer

Q4Wine (GUI configuration tool for wine)

in this you should install Q4wine (GUI configuration tool for wine) install first

second you install Wine Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Beta Release)

after that you install Wine Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer

after installing you download Rediff Bol 8.0 Messenger.exe from

after download is completed you go to places ---> download and copy Rediff Bol 8.0 Messenger.exe and past it Desk top

now Right click on Rediff Bol 8.0.exe and open with Q4wine

after open you will see one box that is Run Program and press OK button now you will see

a new box Q4Wine:. Qt4 for Wine v0.118 now you will press Default place

It will open Rediff installation box.

you install Rediff Messenger as you install in xp

Now you can see the installation icon in the desktop (Rediff Bol 8.0 Messenger)
Now you can open your rediff

that all
enjoy now. If any problem you mail me

Allu John Sudhakar
System/Network Administrator
UCE,OU Osmania University
to see my Blogger (for windows)
to see my Blogger (for Ubuntu)

any help mail to me [email protected].

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3 Responses

  1. Rahul Prasad says:

    Its installing correctly but I am unable to see chat conversation.
    Even chatrooms contains no message, I can only see a list of ppl.
    I cant even chat with them cuz whatever I write is lost, its not visible in conversation box.

  2. Anurag says:

    will you please tell me what is the font required for rediffbol ?

  3. deepak says:

    plz send me the rediffbol download link m waiting

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