Howto install Maya, Matchmover and Toxic 2011 on Linux 64-bit (Ubuntu 10.04)

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Autodesk Maya is a software application used for 3D animation, 3D modeling, simulation, visual effects, rendering, match moving, and compositing.Maya is used in the film and TV industry, as well as for computer and video games, architectural visualization and design.

The installation packages that come with Maya are .rpm packages. To get this running we need to convert the packages to .deb. For that use Alien.

sudo apt-get install alien

Now there are a few things we need to make sure are installed, like fonts etc.

sudo apt-get install csh, tcsh, libglw1-mesa, libglw1-mesa-dev, libaudiofile-dev, libaudiofile0, libaudiofile0-dbg, elfutils, ttf-liberation, ttf-mscorefonts-installer

You may also need to install these if you find packages are missing

sudo apt-get install tcsh fam libxp6 libxpm4 libxprintapputil1 libxprintutil1 cpio rpm ia32-libs

We need to set up some symbolic links now:

sudo ln -s /usr/autodesk /autodesk

sudo ln -s /usr/aw /aw

and then:


We need to convert all of the rpm files to deb using alien. Make a folder on your drive called Maya2011 and move all of your rpm files into there. There is one package that is not included in the rpm file zip which is called adlmflexnetserver-1.2.26-0.x86_64.rpm. This is the license server so you will need it. It is included with the open source code.

*NOTE Autodesk has only released Backburner in 32 bit for Linux, so you won't be able to convert it. If you did so, just remove any backburner packages from the Maya2011 folder. They aren't compatible with our 64 bit architecture.

Here is a list of all the files you will need:

* adlmapps-1.3.34-0.x86_64.rpm
* adlmflexnetclient-1.3.34-0.x86_64.rpm
* adlmflexnetserver-1.3.34-0.x86_64.rpm
* Composite2011-2011.0-2459.x86_64.rpm Install this if you want Toxic
* MatchMover2011_0_64-2011.0-177.x86_64.rpm Install this if you want Matchmover
* Maya2011_0_64-2011.0-271.x86_64.rpm
* Maya2011_0-docs_en_US_64-2011-88.x86_64.rpm
* MID.txt
* setup
* setup.xml
* setupbar.png

Now open terminal and navigate to the Maya2011 folder something like cd/whereveryoupuit/maya2011

Pass the following:

for i in *.rpm; do sudo alien -cv $i; done

This is where you get to use your extra cores. Alien will convert the packages to deb files. It could take 5-15 minutes depending on your system specs.

Now install the .deb packages:

sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Now we need to set up some symbolic links for programs like fcheck.

cd /usr/local/bin

sudo ln -s /usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/bin/fcheck fcheck

sudo ln -s /usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/bin/maya2011 maya

sudo ln -s /usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/bin/imgcvt imgcvt

sudo ln -s /usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/bin/Render Render

cd /usr/autodesk

sudo ln -s maya2011-x64 maya

Let's make some icons on our desktop for our install by entering the following:

sudo ln -sf /usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/desktop/Autodesk-Maya.desktop /usr/share/applications/Autodesk-Maya.desktop

sudo ln -sf /usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/desktop/ /usr/share/desktop-directories/

Set up Mental Ray:

sudo mkdir /usr/tmp

sudo chmod 777 /usr/tmp

Set up the user interface:

sudo sh -c "echo ‘setenv LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8' >> /usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/bin/maya2011"

After this completes, it's time to set up the licensing system:

/usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/bin/licensechooser /usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/ standalone unlimited

Rare for Linux, reboot.

Let's create a fake binary license file:

Go to your home folder and create a .c file named mayaInstall.c


int main (void) {return 0; }

cd /home/usernameexample/Maya2011

sh -c "echo ‘int main (void) {return 0; }' >> /home/exempleuser/Maya2011/mayaInstall.c"

Open up terminal again and enter:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Autodesk/Adlm/R1/lib64/

For the next line of code, the number in red 658D1 is your product code. This can change with different versions of Maya, so be sure to enter it correctly or you will get an error: reason ##

/usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/bin/adlmreg -i S 658C1 658D1 2011.0.0.F “yourserialnumber” /var/opt/Autodesk/Adlm/Maya2011/MayaConfig.pit

Autodesk recommends a reboot at this point, this has been the only way I have done it as well.

Navigate to your Maya2011 folder.

sudo ./setup

Follow menu instructions.

Open up a terminal and enter the following:

cd /usr/lib

sudo ln -s

cd /usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/lib/

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/

We are almost done, we need to add the following symbolic links:

ln –s /usr/lib64/

ln –s /usr/lib64/

***If the above license setup technique does not work try this:

Open up another terminal to launch the GUI license importer. Input:

sudo /opt/Autodesk/Adlm/R1/bin/LTU 657C1 2011.0.0.F -d “SA”

Enter your license information.

Launch Maya with the maya command!

Via Ubuntu forums

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13 Responses

  1. 5teve says:

    This guide is great; thanks. Worked for me on Lucid and Maverick.

    A couple of things to add/edit…

    1) Don’t install the stuff it says you may need to install if stuff is missing unless indeed stuff is missing. I just did it anyway and it ended up *un-insatlling* my desktop (the interface). If so, do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to get it back. You’ll know if this happened if you reboot and when you log in there are no bars.

    2) There line after where it says to set up the user interface; the formatting/conversion of that to put on this webpage made it use special single and double quotes, that won’t work if you cut/paste off this page. Be sure to just type the command out (or replace those manually after pasting).

    3) The very next command, for licensing, works find, but if you’re using floating licenses, change the word “standalone” to “network”.

    4) A little further down, where you export that LD_LIBRARY_PATH, I had to place the “R1” in that string with “R3” or else I get a .so not found error. But if you don’t, then you don’t.

    5) The next command, where you run adlmreg to set up your license, again, if you’re using network licenses, replace the “S” with a “N” (for Network).

    6) The part where you run the GUI installer by running sudo ./setup, go through that like you’d normally do on a Windows install, and in the end you’ll get error about the .RPM’s. That’s fine; you can ignore that, but the installer does have to be run.

    7) Near the bottom, when you’re making symLinks for those last two .so.6 files, again, the formatting on this web page has the normal dash characters replaced with some weird wide dash. If you cut/paste, replace them with normal dashes.

    Thanks again for writing this. 2011 works much better in Linux than 2010. wewt.

  2. arh59 says:

    Hi there.

    I’ve followed these instructions to the letter, but I’m still getting a very strange problem. Maya installs successfully, and accepts my license (apparently), but when I run Maya from the command line or from Gnome’s “run a command”, Maya gives me no GUI at all. In System Monitor I can see it running in the background, but just can’t get any GUI.

    As experiments I’ve tried installing qt3-dev-tools and qt4-dev-tools, as they’re the nearest I could find for installing QT itself.

    Do I need to install the materials in the Maya open source archives? Any other ideas? Anyone else had this problem?

  3. ytrox says:

    HI, when I try to put my serial, I get an an error:

    “iconv conversion Error.
    Serial Number exists. Skip registration”

    What that means? thank you

  4. caedo says:

    Hey, I have installed succesfully maya2011 in ubuntu 10.10 following a similar guide (, the problem im getting is that the camera controls (rotate and move) dont work, only zooms works fine. Besides this problem, maya is working flawlessly. Does anybody knows a workaround for this problem?


  5. satish kumar says:

    I installed maya 2008 windows version with terminal, also flexlm and I did like windows version, but it did not opens, even maya 2009 linux version did not installs into Ubuntu, terminal, wine and play on linux, tell me the right solution to run maya properly any version 2008, 2009, 2011 (windows,Linux) ? ? ? What version installs and run properly in Ubuntu ? ? please hhhheeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllpppppppppppppppp

  6. jigar jani says:

    HI I am trying to install 2012 and cant see the UI at all,maya.bin is running and console from which start maya doesnt show anything at all.

  7. satish says:

    I unable to install Maya 2009 or 2008 in Ubuntu, what can I do for that ? ?

  8. cangaleon says:


    for installing Maya 2011 on Ubuntu 11.04 libtiff must be build manually.



  9. 5teve says:

    According to this site…

    (which is for Maya *2012* on Ubuntu *11.04*)

    …you don’t need to compile libtiff on Natty. Apparently it’s already on the system, but in a new place. The article suggests linking like this…

    sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/

    I tested this and have Maya2010 running on Ubuntu 11.04, plus tested creating a texture with an LZW-compressed TIFF, in Maya, and it works.

  10. Fylax says:

    I have done all what described here but I have a problem: when I launch sudo ./setup it returns me in this way:
    “Unable to install (all of packets)” then i click continue and it says “Installation Successfull”
    Is this ok?

    If so why if I launch “maya” it appears on my process list but do nothing?

    Thank you

  11. prasad shetty says:

    linux command line installation and crack method

    rpm -ivh /maya_rpm_path/adlmapps-1.3.34-0.x86_64.rpm
    rpm -ivh /maya_rpm_path/adlmflexnetclient-1.3.34-0.x86_64.rpm
    rpm -ivh /maya_rpm_path/Maya2011_0_64-2011.0-271.x86_64.rpm

    /usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/bin/licensechooser /usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/ standalone unlimited
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Autodesk/Adlm/R1/lib64/
    /usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/bin/adlmreg -i S 657C1 657C1 2011.0.0.F 666-42943644 /var/opt/Autodesk/Adlm/Maya2011/MayaConfig.pit

    sudo echo -e ‘MAYA_LICENSE=unlimited\nMAYA_LICENSE_METHOD=standalone’ > /usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/bin/License.env

    sudo mv /usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/lib/ /usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/lib/

    sudo cp /crack_location/ /usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/lib/

  12. Shashi Jivanavar says:

    As mentioned above by Prasad Shetty have done all steps but still getting following error message.

    [root@Light101 Autodesk_Maya_2011_Linux_64bit]# maya
    license problem in GUI mode launch dialog message

    maya: License was not obtained

    License method:
    can’t determine license method

    Product choice:
    can’t determine product choice

    License file override:
    environment variable MAYA_ALT_EN is not set

  13. Harsh Gajjar says:

    is this work for all debian based linux distros ?
    I am using zorin right now, and i used linux mint kde.
    which is better for this installation ?

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