Install latest plugins for compiz-fusion from git
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Download compiz-git using the following commands
In a terminal use the following commands
tar xzf compiz-git-newest.tar.gz
You should now have a directory called compiz-git in your home-directory (or anywhere else where you ran these commands).
Install compiz from git
Go to a terminal and do
cd compiz-git
./compiz-git install
That's it! Anwser the questions and if everything runs fine, you should have installed compiz from git!
Uninstall compiz from git
cd compiz-git
./compiz-git uninstall
cd ..
rm -r compiz-git
Running compiz-fusion
Run Compiz Fusion Icon (in your menu).
You can check the latest script from git page from here
that was a heck of a script! 🙂 Seems to be running great! Thx!
DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT RUN THIS CODE! I had a clean install with Ubuntu 8.04 and I had normal compiz installed. Now after I ran this shat code I it makes the 3D affects noticeably slower and you got stupid icons in your tray that you don’t need. Don’t like it? TOO BAD! You can’t remove it! What? Thats not true! Simply go on google and look at how many people are having trouble removing compiz alone when problems start arising because they ran some little plugin or what not. DO NOT RUN THIS CODE – I’m going nuts scratching across the net for more ways to uninstall any fricking trace of compiz. I’ve tried everything and its still there. My advice: Just be happy with what you got when you originally installed Ubuntu and normal compiz. Anything else is just excess and will bog your computer down! I went from +50fps with normal compiz to fricking 5fps!!!!! RIDICULOUS! You DO NOT need this plugin.
“shat code”…. HAHA thanks for the advise
I didn’t knew my script was posted here, anyway:
Alex, you can remove it, the script just installs files.. You can delete them using ‘./compiz-git uninstall’. Look at the source to see what files it deletes. And another thing: Compiz from git is NOT stable, you shouldn’t use this anyway.
i agree with Alex. i installed it and i had big troubles. i did uninstall it and the system was full of errors so i had to reinstall ubuntu. it had nothing new from the compiz found on the compiz website (which worked great)
I need help.
“pulling compiz from git….. failed”
What wrong?
Thank you for your tip’s.
I have the same problem
pulling compiz from git….. failed
plz help
I installed it in Ubuntu and now I am forced to reinstall all!
While the script makes it easier to install compiz from git, it is not meant for novice users. If you cant understand it, do not use it. I have used this script and it works well, I have even edited it to download the plugins I want.
Yeah i agree with {pyrofool} hes right.. if you dont understand the script dont use it. I isntalled it and had no problems what so ever. I just had a problem with fusion icon but thats not from compiz-git. I already fixed the fusion icon error though. Ima noob but already know
Oh and I also installed it on an old hp pavilion 8+ yrs old.Running ubuntu 8.04 and its working great. only thing water effect doesnt work because the graphic card that my old hardware is running doesnt support it. But other than that its running fast and fantastico. I will post videos up on youtube in a day or so. and also post the links up on this forum. so keep checking. Youll be amazed on how fast this old computer is running all these graphical affects.
My youtube video check it out. compiz git cool everything.
This script messed up my computer. It’s crap – don’t use it.
I’m using Ubuntu 9.10 and used the Synaptic Package Manager to install Compiz-Fusion on my laptop. I have loaded git on my laptop also so I can get the latest plugins for Compiz. The problem I’m having is that when I run the make for the plugin that I loaded from I get a error Compiz not installed. I’m currently running Compiz-Fusion right now and do not understand why it will not install.