Install Ubuntu kernel updates without rebooting using Ksplice Uptrack

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Ksplice Uptrack is an update service for the Linux kernel; it automatically delivers security and reliability improvements to your machine, without the disruption of rebooting.

Step 1. Get an access key

Please request an access key here , and an access key will be emailed to you.

Step 2. Install the core software

To enable the Ksplice software repository and install Ksplice Uptrack,

create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ksplice.list

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ksplice.list

Add the following contents

deb jaunty ksplice
deb-src jaunty ksplice

Save and exit

sudo wget -N

sudo apt-key add ksplice-archive.asc

sudo aptitude update

sudo aptitude install uptrack

You will be prompted for the access key that you obtained in Step 1.

Step 3. Install the graphical manager

If you wish, you may install the graphical Ksplice Uptrack manager by running the following command

sudo aptitude install uptrack-manager

It will start automatically (in the notification area) after installation, or when you start a new graphical session.

The ‘K‘ icon with the red warning means that there are updates available for your system.

To view the updates that are available, just click on the icon.Now install updates by clicking Install all Updates

Enter your password click ok

Kernel updates installation in progress

After completing the installation you should see similar to the following screen

Step 4. Enable automatic updates (optional)

The Uptrack client will run periodically (via cron) to check for new updates. In the file /etc/uptrack/uptrack.conf, you can configure Uptrack to automatically install new updates, or just notify you when they are available. To receive new updates from Ksplice Uptrack as soon as they are available, change the autoinstall line to read:

autoinstall = yes

You can use other options such as cron_output_available to configure Ksplice Uptrack to email you when new updates are available. You will need to make sure that mail to the root user on your computer gets delivered to you.

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7 Responses

  1. netkillercat says:

    great job dude made it easy thank you

  2. berry says:

    I run Ubuntu Jaunty (not fresh install, upgraded from Ubuntu 8.10) and I receive and error:
    “You are running a kernel from Ubuntu Intrepid. Ksplice Uptrack for Ubuntu only supports kernels from Ubuntu Jaunty”

  3. Gaucho says:

    Thank you, it’s great !!! work fine…

  4. Josh says:

    What the hell is key for?!
    Is it even open source?
    Can I setup my own local repo with ksplice updates?
    Why do we have to install one more system update app – isn’t synaptic enough? Why Canonical unable to run such service as part of their normal repo?

  5. Iluv Histrionics says:

    Josh … why all the questions ?

    Where are YOUR answers ?

    Contribute something !

  6. the Goat says:

    If this is possible why isn’t it already enabled by default?

  7. Chris says:

    From their website;

    “The Ksplice software available for download
    is open source software. This software is made available to you
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2″

    And it appears there is a source tarball and source repo’s available.

    But think i’ll stick with the traditional methods for now. Its not very often I need to upgrade the kernel, and when I do the reboot is when its convenient for me, not because there’s an update. So the reboot doesn’t really disrupt anything.

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