Linux-dash – A low-overhead monitoring web dashboard for a GNU/Linux machine

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A low-overhead monitoring web dashboard for a GNU/Linux machine. Simply drop-in the app and go!.Linux Dash's interface provides a detailed overview of all vital aspects of your server, including RAM and disk usage, network, installed software, users, and running processes. All information is organized into sections, and you can jump to a specific section using the buttons in the main toolbar. Linux Dash is not the most advanced monitoring tool out there, but it might be a good fit for users looking for a slick, lightweight, and easy to deploy application.


A beautiful web-based dashboard for monitoring server info
Live, on-demand monitoring of RAM, Load, Uptime, Disk Allocation, Users and many more system stats
Drop-in install for servers with Apache2/nginx + PHP
Click and drag to re-arrange widgets
Support for wide range of linux server flavors

List of Current Widgets

General info
Load Average
Disk Usage
Internet Speed

Install Linux-dash in ubuntu server 13.10

First you need to make sure you have Ubuntu LAMP server 13.10 installed and Now you have to install the following package

sudo apt-get install php5-json

After the installation this module will enable for apache2 so you need to restart the apache2 server using the following command

sudo service apache2 restart

Now you need to download the linux-dash package from here to /var/www/ location.

Now you need to unzip the downloaded file using the following command


Now you need to change the permissions of the directory

sudo chmod 755 linux-dash-master

Now you need to go to http://serverip/linux-dash-master/ you should see similar to the following output




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3 Responses

  1. Miguel says:

    This is awesome, i will try it for my media center. Will be another that tells you the temperature?

  2. rob says:

    just ask the developer for a temperature plugin 🙂 but before, look at the contribute section at

  3. Bsm says:

    can we get a report as well using linux-dash please help

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