Make Linux easier to use: Ailurus 10.04.2 is released

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Ailurus is an application designed for making Linux easier to use. You can use it to install software and change system settings.

Ailurus 10.04.2 is released today. The major improvement is that you can launch specific function alone. Except "install software" function, other functions can be started within one second. The shortcuts are in "Applications" menu -> "System Tools" item -> "Ailurus -- Quick Start" item.

Other improvements are:
In "system information" function:

  • display OpenGL version

In "system setting" function:

  • explain how to one-click change font size
  • change icon of login window
  • do not cause error when cancel cleaning up operation

In "install software" function:

  • optimize software installation process
  • display software license
  • add "hardware", "language support", "embedded system", "Nautilus context menu" categories
  • add Acire, a Python code snippets management tool
  • add Eclipse VEditor, a Verilog editor
  • add PiTiVi, a video editor
  • add "World of padman", a 3D shoot game
  • add Firefox Stylish extension
  • add ImageMagicK, an image editor
  • add OSD-Lyrics, a lyric displayer
  • improve "quick install popular software" function

In "clean up" function:

  • clean up recent documents list
  • clean up APT/YUM cache
  • clean up Linux kernel
  • clean up Ailurus cache

In "search fastest repository" function:

  • display remaining search time

Other improvements:

  • fix bug in previous version
  • do not exit if failed to load icon
  • improve new version checking code

Currently Ailurus supports Ubuntu 8.04~10.04.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ailurus
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ailurus


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13 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    Looks like a copy of Ubuntu Tweak

  2. rafeviper says:

    Interesting! I will try it out!


  3. supermario3 says:

    Aiulurus has more functions than Ubuntu Tweak

  4. golimpio says:

    competition is good 😉

  5. Don Toman says:

    sudo add-apt-repository results in error message…
    sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found

  6. rafeviper says:

    @Don Toman: It worked for me, so you must be doing something wrong.

  7. Don Toman says:

    Apparently… My copy of Ubuntu 8.04 doesn’t contain the “sudo add-apt-repository” command.

  8. rafeviper says:

    @Don Toman: it’s not a problem of your copy of Ubuntu. That command was implemmented since Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala, so it won’t work on Ubuntu 8.04. If you wanna add the repository, you have to do it manually.

    Here you cand find a list of .deb packages. Use the one of you distro =).

    Peace dude!

  9. babytux says:

    @Don Toman:

    For Ubuntu 8.04, add this line to /etc/apt/sources.list:

    deb hardy main

    Then add key:

    sudo apt-key adv –recv-keys –keyserver 9A6FE242

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install ailurus


  10. xeros says:

    Nice! This app in contrast to Ubuntu Tweak can be used in Kubuntu, too and even that it’s package selection and configuration is mostly for Gnome, it’s quite usable in KDE, too.

  11. bam mac says:

    Great program!!!!

  12. Sarah says:

    Apparently… My copy of Ubuntu 8.04 doesn’t contain the “sudo add-apt-repository” command.

  13. VDP says:

    Awesome tool…

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