Mount and Unmount ISO,MDF,NRG Images Using AcetoneISO (GUI Tool)
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AcetoneISO Features
- Mount and Unmount ISO, MDF, NRG (if iso-9660 standard)
- Convert / Extract / Browse to ISO : *.bin *.mdf *.nrg *.img *.daa *.cdi *.xbx *.b5i *.bwi *.pdi
- Play a DVD Movie ISO with most used media players
- Generate an ISO from a Folder or CD/DVD
- Generate MD5 file of an image
- Encrypt an image
- Split image in X megabyte
- Compress with High Ratio an image
- Rip a PSX cd to *.bin to make it work with epsxe/psx emulators
- Service-Menu support for Konqueror
- Restore a lost CUE file of *.bin *.img
Preparing Your System
You need to install kommander ( it consists of an editor and a program executor that produce dialogs that you can execute), which is required by AcetoneISO. You also need p7zip (a file archiver with highest compression ratio) to compress and extract ISO images.
sudo apt-get install kommander p7zip
Install AcetoneISO in Ubuntu
First you need to download latest AcetoneISO .deb package from here
Now you should be having acetoneiso2_2.0.1_x86.deb file you need to install this file using the follwoing command
sudo dpkg -i acetoneiso2_2.0.1_x86.deb
This will complete the installation
Now you need to go to Application > Accessories > AcetoneISO
Once it opens you should see similar to the following screen
There is a sub-project port for Gnome users created to avoid the need to install the KDE related dependencies.
ubuntu feisty users has another way to insall it…
hi all, i have some problem regarding acetone application. I am not able to mount .nrg, .mdf files with acetone ISO, can anybody guide me, because every time i try to mount these files , it displays a message
The file or folder file:///home/vidyuth/virtual-drives/1 does not exist.
and doesn’t get mounted. I checked the compatability test its giving that all dependencies are installed.
you must be sure to have installed latest version of fuseiso and not the one that ships with your distro. after that click on activate fusiso button in the gui.
thank u very much
thanx for the help friend.
Great program! Thanks for the tip. Worked a treat for me mounting an mdf DVD image.
apt-get install nrg2iso
Then run nrg2iso inputfile.nrg outputfile.iso
Takes like 2 seconds, its a 60k program…and then you can mount ISO files all you want.
official website moved to:
pepe says:
November 4, 2008 at 7:38 am
apt-get install nrg2iso
Then run nrg2iso inputfile.nrg outputfile.iso
Takes like 2 seconds, its a 60k program…and then you can mount ISO files all you want.
Yeah, but then you’d have to have an nrg iso and a real iso iso at the same time, if you prefer to keep the original nrg file. That is a real waste of space. Is there any reason anyone would want to keep the original nrg file? Has the nrg type of file more possibilities to save meta-information like tracks, like bin+cue?
“Is there any reason anyone would want to keep the original nrg file? Has the nrg type of file more possibilities”
For Tom and anyone who might stumble across this thread later as I did: ISO does not support mixed-mode CDs. I personally have several old DOS games in mixed-mode format that need to be imaged in NRG format (though bin/cue would also work).
Thank u