Octopussy – Perl/XML Logs Analyzer, Alerter & Reporter

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Octopussy is a solution to manage your logs (also frequently called a SIM/SEM/SIEM Solution). Basically, it stores your logs, produces reports, and raises alerts.

*LDAP supported for Octopussy Users & Contacts
*Send Alerts by Email, IM(Jabber), NSCA(Nagios) & Zabbix_sender
*Export Reports by Email, FTP & SCP
*Create Map to show your architecture (more info)
*Input & Output Plugins for Reports (more info)
*Reports Scheduling
*RRDTool’ to graph syslog activity
*Lot of Services already supported: Bind, Cisco Router, Cisco Switch, DenyAll Reverse Proxy, Drbd, F5 BigIP, Fortinet FW, Ironport MailServer, Linux Kernel/System, Linux IPTables, Monit, MySQL, Nagios, NetApp NetCache, Juniper Netscreen FW, Juniper Netscreen NSM, Postfix, PostgreSQL, Samhain, Snmpd, Squid, Sshd, Syslog-ng, Windows Snare Agent, Xen...
*Wizard to easily create new Message/Service for Unrecognized logs
*Online Updates for Services, Tables & Multilanguage
*Multilanguage support: English English French German Spanish Portuguese Portuguese Russian Italian
*Themable Interface & Report

Octopussy Software requirements

You can check from here for full list

Install Octopussy in Ubuntu

Download .deb package from here install this using the following commands from your terminal

sudo dpkg -i octopussy_<version>_all.deb

sudo apt-get -f install

You have to read full octopussy documentation to get an idea how to use this application.This application is recommended to install on ubuntu server mainly to get all you servers logs in one place for reporting.


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3 Responses

  1. joon says:

    Tried this with ubuntu 10.04, debian 5.0 but it does not work. Can you please give any hints as to what Octopussy version works with what debian/ubuntu version is tested to work?

    Thanks so much.

  2. Johnny says:

    I ran into this too.

    When you start the webserver manually (/etc/init.d/octopussy web-start) it complains about the missing server key – so I did this (per instructions):

    openssl genrsa > /etc/octopussy/server.key

    Then I did this:

    openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha1 -days 365 -key /etc/octopussy/server.key > /etc/octopussy/server.crt

    Then I did an /etc/init.d/octopussy web-start

    This brought it up, and it was running on https://localhost:8888

    The installation docs linked above helped nicely. Now to get logged in and start using it!


  3. Joon says:


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