Enable DVD Playback in your ubuntu System
DVD playback is not a feature that is installed by default due to license restrictions. This will show you how to install DVD playback capability on your Ubuntu linux machine.
Ubuntu Linux Tutorials,Howtos,Tips & News | Lunar Lobster , Mantic Minotaur
DVD playback is not a feature that is installed by default due to license restrictions. This will show you how to install DVD playback capability on your Ubuntu linux machine.
Firefox 3.0 is the next generation release of the award-winning Firefox web browser from Mozilla.This article describes how to install fiefox3.0a1 in ubuntu linux system.The development name for Mozilla Firefox 3 is Gran Paradiso...
If you want to Determine the throughput of a pipe you need to use cpipe.Cpipe copies its standard input to its standard output while measuring the time it takes to read an input buffer...
listadmin is a command line tool to manipulate the queues of messages held for moderator approval by mailman. It is designed to keep user interaction to a minimum, in theory you could run it...
If you are using zoneedit.com or dyndns.org for your DNS service so that you can access your server using a URL, then you might have to update your DNS record at the service periodically...