TunesViewer – iTunes-university media and podcasts in Linux

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TunesViewer is a small, easy to use program to access itunes-university media and podcasts in Linux.

* Direct searching, browsing, and downloading.
* Supports itunes-University login, to download students-and-staff-only media.
* Reveals the standard rss-podcast-feed of the itunes-podcasts, for use in any podcast software.
* Includes the option to set itself as default protocol handler, to go directly from the "loading itunes-U.." page to viewing with TunesViewer.


* Automatic podcast updates, auto-downloads and transfers -- This program isn't a general-purpose podcast manager, for that you can use gpodder or similar. (You can add podcasts to gpodder or other programs by running edit-Copy normal podcast, then pasting into the podcast software)
* iTunes Store -- This will not let you connect to iTunes store accounts or buy anything.

Install TunesViewer in Ubuntu

Download .deb package from here once you have .deb package install this by double clicking on it or run the following command from your terminal

sudo dpkg -i tunesviewer_0.6.deb

Using TunesViewer

Open TunesViewer from Applications--->Internet--->Tunes Viewer

Once it opens you should see similar to the following screen here you can search

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3 Responses

  1. pat says:

    good job man just what i needed to make the full transition over to linux from windows and its pesky itunes

  2. JamesMagenst says:

    Stumbled upon this as I was googling podcast manager for Ubuntu. What a pleasant surprise. I downloaded TunesViewer, and it’s great — even though this post is 2 years old.

  3. Tom Roche says:

    Note TunesViewer is now available as a package for raring. I just now installed it on a box running quantal, seems to work well.

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