Ubucompilator 0.1.2 released

We have already discussed some time back about Ubucompilator.This is update for the previous version 0.0.1

An easy software to ubuntu, debian, linux mint to compile, make, install and create a .deb package. Currently the project is under development!

Ubucompilator is a very easy tool to configure, make, install and make a .deb package !

Ubucompilator is written in Gambas!

Are a lot of changes in this release:

There are a lot of news:

*New unzip tool (experimental verision)
*Fixed the bug about the managment of the windows
*New icons
*Link will be open by your default’s browser
*Fixed font’s bug
*Created an autotools package, now you can compile Ubucompilator…

Download Ubucompilator 0.1.2 .deb from here


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2 Responses

  1. dRewsus says:

    I was just thinking on my walk home today that I need to look into nice ways to make .deb files. Thank you Ubuntu Geek, you were reading my mind.

  2. manishmahabir says:

    how about giftwrap giftwrap.tuxfamily.org/

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