Ubuntu 10.04 Tip: How to fix Waiting for sound system to respond problem


When you have Ubuntu 10.04, and you login as root, you cannot change the sound volume or settings with the sound applet in the gnome-panel.

Go to System->Preferences -> Startup Applications

Make sure you're in the tab ‘Startup programs'

-> Click on ‘Add'

Name: Pulseaudio daemon
Comment: Start the sound daemon

Now logout, then login again

Via Ubuntuforum

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38 Responses

  1. luis says:

    Works like a charm! Thank you guys, this is useful stuff.

  2. Sauceinatti says:

    One only needs to download the Adobe Flash Player platform support library for Esound and OSS from the Ubuntu Software Center to hear sound. Once sound is confirmed(via youtube, vizeo, etc…) this software can then be deleted with full sound benefits still being achieved. This is great for Newbies and I hope it will help everyone else suffering from this problem also…

  3. Sauceinatti says:

    Most Important – Make sure the volume applet is not muted in top panel afterwards…

  4. Manjunath K says:


    This link helped me get out of this audio issue, Thanks once again who had posted this soultion.

    Manjunath K

  5. arnaud says:

    cheers man,

    done ! quick and useful, very nice

  6. adri1 says:

    nice !
    thanks !!

  7. m666 says:

    hi.that was so good.tnx.
    i love you all

  8. hoho says:

    Works like a charm !! Thank you

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