Worker – Highly configurable two-paned file manager for X

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Worker is a file manager much like the Amiga's DirOpus. It can be controlled with mouse or keyboard. There is no restriction on the number or type of button functions. Files are recognized by both extension and content, content by recognizing common bytes in the sample files you show it. Drag & Drop is supported.
If xli or imagemagick is installed, it quickly previews pictures in the opposite pane. If x11-utils is installed, xmessage is used to display some informative messages.


* low requirements (basically only the X11 libraries)
* fast and easy access to archives and remote sites
Browse tar/tgz/tbz, gzip, bzip2, zip, rar, ar (also supporting extfs: lha, zoo, rpm, iso9660, diff, arj, cpio, ...) in any combination (zip files in tar archives, rar archives in CD iso images,...).
Access ftp sites without third party tools.
* many built-in functions like:
o copy, move, rename, delete files
o create directory
o create/change symlinks
o chmod, chown
o and many more...
* text viewer
* tabs
* file search
* flexible file type system with arbitrary file type actions for single file types or groups of types
* context menu to access file type actions
* bookmarks for frequently used directories
* labels can be assigned to entries to make it easier to find important files
* volume manager for mounting/unmounting devices (HAL supported)
* filter file view by string pattern or label
* assign any external command to buttons, hotkeys or filetypes (e.g. gimp, tar, diff, mount, ...)
* UTF8 support
* built-in configuration GUI

Install worker in Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install worker


  1. Program information
    Displays e.g. the version and the address of the homepage.
  2. Configuration
    This opens the Configuration window.

You find the status-display next to it. Normally this shows the number of files and dirs, how many items are selected, size,...
Depending on the function you execute, it can display other information too.

3. Beneath it you see the ListView-Bars. By using the right-mouse-button on them you can configure the respective lister.

    Only one lister can be the current one. You can control the current lister with the keyboard and the bar will be marked with a different color. It also shows 2 additional information.

    4. ‘H' means -- if visible -- that hidden files are not displayed.

    ‘*' means that display-filters are in use.

      In the lower part you see the button row.

      5.The first column contains paths only. By using the right-mouse-button on this bar you can switch to the next bar with additional paths.

      6.The last line displays the time. If you are running Worker under GNU/Linux it also displays the remaining memory. To switch the button bar just perform a right-click on this line.

        Beneath the lists you see two text-input-fields. It contains the path of the current dir. By clicking into one of them you can change the path manually.

        7&8. These two buttons let you switch between the buffered directories.

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