Request Tracker(RT) ticketing system for your Support Group

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RT is an enterprise-grade ticketing system which enables a group of people to intelligently and efficiently manage tasks, issues, and requests submitted by a community of users.

Request Tracker Features

RT is your organization's focal point for tracking tasks, issues, knowledge, and collaboration.

It's easy to submit, assign, prioritize, search, escalate, and report on issues.

RT keeps track of each ticket's full history and metadata to help your organization better retain knowledge and analyze trends.

RT can track multiple projects for multiple teams within a single installation.

RT tracks critical system metadata, including time spent per action, due dates, and estimated time to completion.

It's easy to record private comments that are not available to end-users.

RT's web interface comes complete with an intuitive "iterative" search interface that allows end users to construct

complex queries by pointing and clicking within their web browsers.

Users can save and edit queries later, using their browser's "bookmarks" feature.

Install Request Tracker in Ubuntu

First you need to make sure you have enabled Universe Source list in /etc/apt/sources.list file

Now you need to install the following packages

sudo apt-get install request-tracker3.4 rt3.4-apache2 rt3.4-clients apache2-doc postfix postgresql postgresql-doc-7.4

This will start the installation it also installs the Additional services required for Request-Tracker, such as Apache2
-- Web Server, Postfix -- Email Server (for sending emails), & PostgreSql-7.4 -- Database to Store the RT information.

At the time of installation it will prompt for your postfix configuration.In the "Postfix Configuration":
I choose "Internet Site", because I preffer to have the system send emails without being dependant on a different mail
server.The logic behind that is because if the email Server goes down, the Ticket-Server should not follow.

Postfix is now set up with a default configuration. If you need to make changes, edit /etc/postfix/ as needed.After modifying you need to reload the postfix using the following command.

sudo /etc/init.d/postfix reload

You will also see this: Configuring postgresql-common

Obsolete major version 7.4

The PostgreSQL version 7.4 is obsolete, but you still have the server and/or client package installed. Please
install the latest packages (postgresql-8.1 and postgresql-client-8.1) and upgrade your existing clusters with
pg_upgradecluster (see manpage).

Please be aware that the installation of postgresql..................

The old server and client..................

just click OK, as RT3.4 is certified with 7.4.

Configuring Request Tracker

Request Tracker configuration file located at /etc/request-tracker3.4/

You need to take backup before doing any changes to your config file using the following command

sudo cp /etc/request-tracker3.4/ /etc/request-tracker3.4/

Edit the configuration file using the following command

sudo vim /etc/request-tracker3.4/

Customize using the directions in the file and add this to the end of the file but before the "1;" ...

Set($DatabaseHost , ‘localhost');
Set($DatabaseRTHost , ‘localhost');

If you want to see the sample configuration file check here

Create the user for the RT database

Enter the following commands

sudo su postgres

psql -d template1



Setup Postgresql permissions

You need to take backup of postgresql config file using the following command

sudo cp /etc/postgresql/7.4/main/pg_hba.conf /etc/postgresql/7.4/main/pg_hba.conf.orig

Edit the file using the following command

sudo vi /etc/postgresql/7.4/main/pg_hba.conf

at the bottom of the file along with the other similar lines -- but above existing entries.

###according to install.debian for request-tracker
host template1 rtuser password
local template1 rtuser password
host rtdb rtuser password
local rtdb rtuser password

save and exit the file

Now you need to do the following change

You need to take backup of postgresql config file using the following command

sudo cp /etc/postgresql/7.4/main/postgresql.conf /etc/postgresql/7.4/main/postgresql.conf.orig

Edit the file using the following command

sudo vi /etc/postgresql/7.4/main/postgresql.conf


#tcpip_socket = false


tcpip_socket = true

save and exit the file

Now you need to restart the postgresql database using the following command

sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-7.4 restart

Create RT DataBase

Now you need to create RT Database using the following command

sudo /usr/sbin/rt-setup-database-3.4 --action init --dba rtuser --prompt-for-dba-password

#enter password at the prompt, we set it to wibble in the example above

Configuring Apache

You need to take backup of apache config file using the following command

sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/default /etc/apache2/sites-available/default.orig

Edit the configuration file

sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

Add the following line to the VirtualHost section of Apache from which you wish to serve RT

Include "/etc/request-tracker3.4/apache2-modperl2.conf"

save and exit the file

If you want to see the sample apache config file check here

Enable Apache2 RewriteEngine

sudo cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/

sudo ln -s ../mods-available/rewrite.load .

Restart Apache web server using the following command

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload

Testing Web Interface

Now you need to point your browser to http://yourserverip/rt/

You should see similar to the following screen

In the above screen promted for username and password use

Username :- root

Password :- password

Once you logged in you should see the following screen

First thing you need to change the password via the Configuration menu

If you want more documentation about how to use RT check here

I have tested this in Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) and it was working fine without any problem.

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19 Responses

  1. Hi,

    We’re looking into Request Tracker, and was wondering if you could monitor RT availability using Munin?

    I’m taking a course at university about running a server with various services, and my group is responsible for the helpdesk system. Part of the SLA is to describe how to monitor availability of the system. We where hoping to use Munin to do this…


    Jonas Follesø

  2. admin says:


    You can monitor Apache status and database status if both are up and running RT should run without any problem.I am not sure if we have any RT Monitor plugin for munin

  3. Hi,

    Thanks for quick feedback! What about e-mail? Can that be monitored trough Munin as well? I agree that if the backend database and the web server is up and running, RT should as well.. 🙂

    Both your RT guide, as well as your Munin guide, will be usefull resources when setting up the system.

    – Jonas 🙂

  4. admin says:

    If you are using postfix you can monitor postfix process by default munin provide postfix plugin

    Hope this helps

  5. Davis says:

    I followed the instructions to a tee, but when I go to I get an internal server error. If I just got to the root site, I ge the Apache welcome page. Check on var/www and it has the apache2-default, but that is it. I think my Apache is not configured to use the virtual host properly. Is there somewhere I can find mor info that is about 5th grade reading level?


  6. Davis says:

    Reinstalled and followed again, and now get a 404.

  7. Davis says:

    Got it going. Somehow I had both Apache 1.3.4 and 2.0.2 ? installed.
    perhaps the initial server LAMP install had something to do with it 🙂
    Go it going thanks for the directions.

  8. Ray says:

    Hi, Thanks for this article.

    I set the RT by follow this article. But how can you make RT receive email? my rt can send emai without problem, but it can’t get any email.

    I setted the /etc/aliases as follow:

    rt: “|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate –queue general –action correspond –url http://localhost/rt
    rt-comment: “|/opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate –queue general –action comment –url http://localhost/rt

    but it do not work. any idea?


  9. cc says:

    When I was updating the system to the new version on May 29th, 11 min.
    before it could have finished, it stopped there and crashed. I restart
    thecomputer and everything changed. when I enter the new version, it
    wouldn’t start, saying ttg is missing. and the old version is not the
    same anymore, I don’t know how to re-update, or do I need to re-update?


  10. Steven Murawski says:

    If you are using Ubuntu and you installed it with apt-get, rt-mailgate should be in the /usr/bin/ directory.

    support: “|/usr/bin/rt-mailgate –queue General –action=correspond –url=http://localhost/rt”

  11. Ajeet Singh says:

    How about the Report Generation in RT?Any Comments from the already experienced tech-buddy..

  12. Eric says:

    Any issue on upgrade from ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04.. which is rt3.4 to rt3.6? is there a difference in the db, if i upgraded to rt3.6 would it automatically upgrade related rt table if there are any???

  13. Alf Stockton says:

    I have followed the above article in my attempt to get Request Tracker workin on Ubuntu 8.04 with postgreSQL, but
    root@general:~# /usr/sbin/rt-setup-database-3.6 –action init –dba rtuser –prompt-for-dba-password

    RT couldn’t load RT config file /etc/request-tracker3.6/ as:
    user: root
    group: root

    The file is owned by user root and group root.

    This usually means that the user/group your webserver is running
    as cannot read the file. Be careful not to make the permissions
    on this file too liberal, because it contains database passwords.
    You may need to put the webserver user in the appropriate group
    (root) or change permissions be able to run succesfully.

    Unrecognized character \xE2 at /etc/request-tracker3.6/ line 34.
    Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/request-tracker3.6/lib/ line 152.

    Please tell me what I am missing.

  14. Andrew K says:

    I have RT running on a Debian server, every time a ticket is needed to be opened the clients have to email helpdesk@thecompany’ to open the ticket.

    I would like to design and created a user web interface where clients can submit their request by accessing the web interface rather then emailing it to helpdesk email address mentioned above.

    Any suggestions or direction would be appreciated!

  15. Ivo Simicevic says:


    create web page that will call cgi script which will do the same thing the rt-mailgate does.

  16. Andrew K says:


    Thank you I will work on that.

  17. Hello,

    Very nice post.

    I have a problem with TR, i want transfer rt to a Better site. I sucefull transfer the mysql datbase, bu i can´t transfer de attachements. Can Help me ?

  18. Alf Stockton says:

    What I did was
    tar -czvf files.tar.gz /var/www/dotproject/files/*
    scp files.tar.gz [email protected]:
    and then at the new site just unpack the tar files.
    something like :- tar -xzvf files.tar.gz into the correct folder.

  19. drag says:

    How I made for attach files in RT
    Can help me?¿?¿?

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