How to disable password prompts in Ubuntu

This tutorial will explain How to disable password prompts in Ubuntu

Note:- Disabling password prompts might be a security risk

Open the terminal window from Applications --> accessories --> terminal, run the command:

sudo visudo

Find the line that says

%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL

and change it to


Save and exit the file

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68 Responses

  1. Rav says:

    Why don’t all of you just shut up. Seriously. Did you not see the “Note:- Disabling password prompts might be a security risk” part of this little tip?

    I of course understand the tendency to warn new users about running as root (or effectively so). But I think it’s a joke that this has somehow become a serious taboo, as if the entire farking universe will cave in on itself if someone chooses not to follow this holy tenet.

    It wont. Any problems you encounter because of it will be your own fault, and if you can live with that, as I can, then so be it. As an attempt to try to put this back into some proper perspective, running Linux as root is a hell of a lot less troublesome for almost any experienced computer user than is running Windows as an Administrator. We’re talking about Linux after all. In all the ways that are directly relevant to this particular discussion, it’s vastly superior. So stop carrying on as if it’s a lot worse.

  2. HDB-Studios says:


    All this guy did… was tell how to do it. THAT IS ALL. Some people may not like the CONSTANT in-your-face prompts, and I could see why.

    On one of my desktops, I disabled this prompt because:

    a) I didn’t do to much heavy computing on it
    b) It’s slow and the prompts make it takethat much more time.

    I installed ubuntu onto it to get it working again. It’s running very well but when I’m adjusting visual effects or installing updates, the prompts get annoying as all hell.

    Good tip, thanks.

  3. Randy says:

    I use Linux as a virtual computer, so passwords are unnecessary in most cases. If something happens I’ll just re do it anyway

  4. Windoze User says:

    LOL. Ubuntu fanboys tell me how much Windows sucks because it’s unsecure, so I go to Ubuntu to see what all the hoopla is about, and then I discover that when I want Ubuntu to be as unannoying as Windows (those passwords prompts are annoying as hell – among other things), I learn that Ubuntu is just as danger prone as Windows.

    Anyways: thanks for the info on how to turn off the password deal. Sucks major butt monkey, and I’m not sorry to see it go.

  5. Randy says:

    Actually, it is still much more secure. There are virtually no virus or adware (or anything, for that matter) for Ubuntu. So its nearly impossible for something bad to happen.

  6. Bob says:

    I followed all the instructions above and I must say thanks for nothing cause it does not work i still have passwords everywhere! this is the reason Ubuntu is only on 1% of the worlds computers because it passwords ya to death! you need to get like windows and have ZERO passwords or at least a simple setting to turn the F’n things off!

  7. Randy says:

    Incorrect bob… Its because Linux does not have much when it comes to program support. You have a web browser. And Open Office…… Anddddd……… Lets see….. Thats it.

  8. Randy says:

    For some reason the website didn’t take the special characters (like the double hifen and the 3 periods in one)

  9. jonz says:

    This is what I get –

    visudo: /etc/sudoers: Permission denied

    I really want to love this OS but really hate programming – it’s like learning DOS all over again. Or alternatively, the terminal asks for a password and and then won’t respond to the keyboard when I try to type it in. Surely we’ve gone beyond all this by now – how is anyone supposed to get any work done?

  10. Farid says:

    Excuse me, but how do I save after edit?

    I am a noob :$ 😛

  11. Dan says:

    Thanks for the post.

    For jonz, Farid and anyone like myself who doesn’t like/know the vi interface, you can also type:

    sudo gedit /etc/sudoers

    To edit the file.

  12. whatever says:

    I edited it, but I was stuck for 20 minutes to understand how to save the file.
    It’s such a boring operating system that I’ll switch back to windows. Linux isn’t user friendly, especially when it comes to novice users.

    Sorry to say, but this really sucks. I like the performance, but I rather wait a little bit more instead of having to find out how to save the file.

    Thx anyway.

  13. fuck says:

    saving is ctrl+X fuuuuck took me 10 minutes to find it.

  14. me says:

    sorry guys but your methods doesn’t work

    for software center i found this

    cat <<EOT | sudo tee /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/allow-apt.pkla

    now no password popup ! coooool !!!!

  15. cmcanulty says:

    me, how do you do that type what in terminal or where, thanks

  16. me says:

    just copy this text with the mouse

    cat <<EOT | sudo tee /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/allow-apt.pkla

    now open a terminal

    sudo su
    insert your password

    then right click over and click on paste

    now hit ENTER key on keyboard

    now restart your system

    now open ubuntu software center,look for some software and click on install..

    will not popup any password again

    thanks for all guys are writing in forums ideas … lol

  17. CJ says:

    Put it this way:

    If you’re using Ubuntu as a Home Theatre PC to stream LiveTV and watch movies, any administrative task you may need to do requires a password.

    Now I’m sitting on my sofa with an IR Remote. You tell me how it’s simple just to enter my password?

    Thanks for this, it makes my life a whole lot easier!

  18. AnxiousNut says:

    @CJ: In your case, you just need to give root privileges to some of the applications you use (via remote control) instead of putting your PC at risk! I mean, instead, you can edit the sudoers file to add some applications so that password wont be asked for if they are executed. That’s the best solution for your case.

    … and actually, this is somewhat similar to what the recent ubuntu update managed versions do! It updates the list without asking for a password, however, it does when installing. Let’s put installation aside, doesn’t apt-get update need root privileges to work? Then how come the update manager does that on your behalf? They have an exception.

  19. me says:

    Cj you don’t need an autonomation for a new cool reason : you are just an idiot

  20. CJ says:


    Haters gonna hate.

  21. cmcanulty says:

    me thanks that worked! Is there a tweak to eliminate passwords on Ubuntu Tweak? I manage 13 computers and get tired of constantly entering PWs

  22. HappyGuy says:

    Finally! Disabled the freaking password prompt for everything i open! I mean i am more at the risk of letting others see my password (when i use my net-book outside) then my computer being attacked! Moreover, its just a net-book, so even if it gets the “non-existent” Linux virus, i can just format it and reinstall the OS! Freaking Linux fan-boys made it too idiotic and troublesome for regular users who just want to stay up to date, install their favorite softwares (from their own repositories) and just have root privileges!

  23. ptah says:

    It’s good that your type stay away from Linux.

  24. cmcanulty says:

    This doesn’t work using xfce4 can you please post a method for xfce4? Thank you

  25. Ryan says:

    The password is being entered. However, it doesn’t display the ‘*’ character for each character in the password in case that guy over there or that camera above you are looking at your monitor. And they are. Watch out.

  26. CJ says:

    Worked using xfce4 when I tried

  27. Bry says:

    HELP!. wont get passed startup screen.
    Ubuntu 10 I used the command above. sudo visudo

    Find the line that says

    %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL

    and change it to

    %admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

    Like many I could not find save. So i just exited. I then restarted the cpomputer. Now it played the drums, and shows the Ubuntu loading screen but is just frozen there.

  28. Average Guy says:

    Linux (using Ubuntu) really isn’t complicated. Especially with all these ttorials. At least the current OS is very basic. I had been a Windows user and had no trouble switching to Ubuntu. Or maybe that is just because I am a programmer (but with very little expirience away from web programming…)

  29. sfowler says:

    1) Ctrl+X
    2) Yes
    3) Enter (at the file name)

  30. cmcanulty says:

    doesn’t work in 12.04 can you please update a fix?

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