Citadel – Open source email and collaboration

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Citadel is a highly integrated Groupware Platform with a AJAX-powered “Web 2.0” interface, but also providing SMTP, IMAP, POP3 and GroupDAV access to its content.

Citadel offers versatile email services with very low administration needed. It provides its own implementations of these server protocols: IMAP, POP3, SMTP, ManageSieve, XMPP, Citadel.

Citadel Features

Email, calendaring, address books, bulletin boards, instant messaging, and more … all in one tightly integrated server package. Unlike other open source groupware systems, all of Citadel's data stores are built-in. All that tedious mucking about with dependencies and config files is a thing of the past.
High-performance, multiprotocol, multithreaded server engine
Wiki and blog engines built in. Citadel is a collaboration server and a content management system!
Web browser, telnet/SSH, local client software accessible
Standards-compliant e-mail built in: IMAP, POP3, ESMTP
Group calendaring and scheduling (WebDAV, GroupDAV, and Kolab-1 compatible)
Built-in listserv (mailing list server)
Built-in RSS Feed Aggregation
Integrated server-side mail sorting and filtering. Users can choose between an easy-to-use web based rules editor, or the power of writing complex scripts using the industry standard Sieve language.
Support for push e-mail and mobile devices
Database-driven, single-instance message store
Built-in full text index for fast searching
Authenticated SMTP for remote email submission
Multiple domain support
Built-in integration with perimiter email filtering technologies such as Realtime Blackhole Lists (RBL's), SpamAssassin, and ClamAV antivirus
Server-to-server replication. Users in any number of domains can be spread out across any number of Citadel servers, allowing you to put data where you need it, and enabling infinite horizontal scalability.
Web-based access to email, calendars, and everything else through a powerful AJAX-style front end
Very strong support for “public folders” and message forums.
Built-in instant messenger service
SSL/TLS encryption for all protocols
Citadel is true open source software. Unlike other groupware servers, it isn't a cut-down version of an expensive proprietary “pro” version. We make our very best work available to everyone on the same terms. 100% of our code is covered by the GNU General Public License (GPL3).

Install Citadel on Ubuntu 15.04

Open the terminal and run the following command

sudo apt-get install citadel-suite

The above command start the installation and prompt for the following details

If you want to change server listening ip you can do here


Authentication method


Admin name




Confirm Password


If you want to integrate with apache2 you can select that otherwise leave default one


Webcit http port by default it will show as 80 and if you are running apache2 or any other application you have to choose different port which is 2000 (Citadel default port)


Choose HTTPS Port


Select your language


After the installation you can access Citadel web interface using the following URL and you can see similar to the following screen



Once you logged in you can see similar to the following screen



Note:- If you're using the .debs you can use their mechanics to achieve this. Reconfiguring the webcit package will give you the chance to change your current setup:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure citadel-webcit

Please note that its vital to keep the trailing slashes ‘/' on all paths (regardles of the webserver you use). You may experience odd behaviour if its not proprely balanced.

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1 Response

  1. SM says:

    I have been through few of How-to on Citadel, but have not find any information on this. Can anyone tell if any open-source or pro online/offline backup&restore and/or archival software is available for Citadel?

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