SendIP – Tool to send arbitrary IP packets
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Install sendip on ubuntu
Open the terminal and run the following command
sudo apt-get install sendip
Using Sendip
sendip [-v] [-d data] [-h] [-f datafile] [-p module] [module options] hostname
-d data -- add this data as a string to the end of the packet Data can be: rN to generate N random(ish) data bytes; 0x or 0X followed by hex digits; 0 followed by octal digits; any other stream of bytes
-f datafile -- read packet data from file
-h -- print this message
-p module -- load the specified module (see below)
-v -- be verbose
Available modules at the moment as follows
ipv4 ipv6 icmp tcp udp bgp rip ntp
I am going to provide TCP,UDP,ICMP and IPV4 available options
-ct x -ICMP message type Default: ICMP_ECHO
-cd x -- ICMP code Default: 0
-cc x -- ICMP checksum Default: Correct
-is x -- Source IP address Default:
-id x -- Desitnation IP address Default: Correct
-ih x -- IP header length Default: Correct
-iv x -- IP version Default: 4
-iy x -- IP type of service Default: 0
-il x -- Total IP packet length Default: Correct
-ii x -- IP packet ID Default: Random
-ifr x -- IP reservced flag Default: 0 (options are 0,1,r)
-ifd x -- IP don't fragment flag Default: 0 (options are 0,1,r)
-ifm x -- IP more fragments flag Default: 0 (options are 0,1,r)
-if x -- IP fragment offset Default: 0
-it x -- IP time to live Default: 255
-ip x -- IP protcol Default: 0, or set by underlying protocol
-ic x -- IP checksum Default: Correct
-ionum x -- IP option as string of hex bytes
-ioeol -- IP option: end of list
-ionop -- IP option: no-op
-iorr x -- IP option: record route. Format: pointer:addr1:addr2:...
-iots x -- IP option: timestamp. Format: pointer:overflow:flag:(ip1:)ts1:(ip2:)ts2:...
-iolsr x -- IP option: loose source route. Format: pointer:addr1:addr2:...
-iosid x -- IP option: stream identifier
-iossr x -- IP option: strict source route. Format: pointer:addr1:addr2:...
-ts x -- TCP source port Default: 0
-td x -- TCP destination port Default: 0
-tn x -- TCP sequence number Default: Random
-ta x -- TCP ack number Default: 0
-tt x -- TCP data offset Default: Correct
-tr x -- TCP header reserved field EXCLUDING ECN and CWR bits Default: 0
-tfe x -- TCP ECN bit Default: 0 (options are 0,1,r)
-tfc x -- TCP CWR bit Default: 0 (options are 0,1,r)
-tfu x -- TCP URG bit Default: 0, or 1 if -tu specified (options are 0,1,r)
-tfa x -- TCP ACK bit Default: 0, or 1 if -ta specified (options are 0,1,r)
-tfp x -- TCP PSH bit Default: 0 (options are 0,1,r)
-tfr x -- TCP RST bit Default: 0 (options are 0,1,r)
-tfs x -- TCP SYN bit Default: 1 (options are 0,1,r)
-tff x -- TCP FIN bit Default: 0 (options are 0,1,r)
-tw x -- TCP window size Default: 65535
-tc x -- TCP checksum Default: Correct
-tu x -- TCP urgent pointer Default: 0
-tonum x -- TCP option as string of hex bytes
-toeol -- TCP option: end of list
-tonop -- TCP option: no op
-tomss x -- TCP option: maximum segment size
-towscale x -- TCP option: window scale
-tosackok -- TCP option: allow selective ack
-tosack x -- TCP option: selective ack (rfc2018), format is l_edge1:r_edge1,l_edge2:r_edge2...
-tots x -- TCP option: timestamp (rfc1323), format is tsval:tsecr
-us x -- UDP source port Default: 0
-ud x -- UDP destination port Default: 0
-ul x -- UDP packet legnth Default: Correct
-uc x -- UDP checksum Default: Correct
You can check manpage for more details and available options
Sendip Examples
UDP Packet
sendip -p ipv4 -is -p udp -us 5070 -ud 5060 -d "UDP Test" -v
ICMP Packet
sendip -p icmp -is
TCP Packet
sendip -p tcp -ts 2 -td 80 -tn -is