How to install qBittorrent v2 in Ubuntu 9.10(Karmic)/9.04(Jaunty)

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The qBittorrent project was started in March 2006 to create a lightweight but featureful BitTorrent client that would be multi-platform and very easy to use.qBittorrent v2 is the closest open source (GNU GPL v2 license) equivalent to µtorrent. qBittorrent is based on Qt4 toolkit and libtorrent-rasterbar.

qBittorrent v2 Features

* Polished µTorrent-like User Interface
* Well-integrated and extensible Search Engine
o Simultaneous search in most famous BitTorrent search sites
o Per-category-specific search requests (e.g. Books, Music, Movies)
* All Bittorrent extensions
o DHT, Peer Exchange, Full encryption, Magnet URI, ...
* Remote control through a Web user interface
o Nearly identical to the regular UI, all in Ajax
* Advanced control over trackers, peers and torrents
o Torrents queueing and prioritizing
o Torrent content selection and prioritizing
* UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding support
* Available in ~25 languages (Unicode support)
* µTorrent spoofing to bypass private trackers whitelisting
* Advanced RSS support with download filters (inc. regex)
* IP Filtering (eMule and PeerGuardian compatible)

Install qBittorrent in Ubuntu 9.10(Karmic)/9.04(Jaunty)

For Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) Users

Open the terminal and enter the following command

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hydr0g3n/ppa

Update source list

sudo apt-get update

Install qBittorrent

sudo apt-get install qbittorrent

Or click on the following link from firefox


For Ubuntu 9.04(Jaunty) Users

Edit /etc/apt/sources.list file

gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the following lines

deb jaunty main
deb-src jaunty main

Save and exit the file.

Add GPG key

sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 47B4D1C4

Update source list

sudo apt-get update

Install qBittorrent

sudo apt-get install qbittorrent

Note:- You can install qbittorrent from ubuntu repositories but you get the older version.

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5 Responses

  1. Byonik says:

    How do we use the web UI? I cannot find any help on the subject, but I really would like to control qbittorrent from another place.

    Thank you.

  2. TehSnarf says:

    Yeah, I’d really, REALLY like to find out how to install this on a headless server with the web ui… Otherwise, I think I’m going to have to stick with deluge.

  3. tlp says:

    v2 is too buggy in Karmic. I was trying to transfer my torrents from transmission and just have wasted 20 min.

  4. Goh Mifune says:

    Byonik, I don’t have it installed, but my guess is that it is like pretty much everything else with a web interface. If your are accessing it from a local network “http;//localhost”:portnumber or Often portnumber is defaulted to 8080 I believe.

    To do it remotely, you’d have to open that port from your router(if you’re like me) and then it would be http://youripaddress:portnumber

    You should also be able to point a url to that IP address, either one you own, or a free one from online.

    You’d want to verify all this, however, it is all from memory.

  5. nadeem says:

    not working it says a problem in network configuration i think there is a bug since the configuration is right

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