Numix-uTouch-Style Ubuntu Icon Pack and PPA installation instructions included
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Install Numix-uTouch-Style icon theme on ubuntu desktop
CAUTION: This is in active state of development so changes will enter on daily basis.
Known big issues:
Breaks Unity’s inidcators icons
Doesn’t play well with theme with dark toolbars (like Ambiance for example)
To get the most out of it we recommend using it with Gnome-Shell with the and with with “Numix” preset applied
You can install on your desktop using the following PPA
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:numix-icon-theme-dev/utouch
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install numix-utouch-icon-theme
Then apply it with the following command:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme “Numix-uTouch”