Buck-security – Security scanner for Ubuntu Servers

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Buck-Security is a security scanner for Debian and Ubuntu Linux. It helps you to harden your system by running some important security checks. For example, it finds world-writable files and directories, setuid and setgid programs, superuser accounts, and installed attack tool packages. It also checks your umask and checks if the sticky bit is set for /tmp, among other checks.It was designed for Debian and Ubuntu servers, but can be useful for any Linux system.
By now the following tests are implemented:

* Searching for worldwriteable files
* Searching for worldwriteable directories
* Searching for programs where the setuid is set
* Searching for programs where the setgid is set
* Checking your umask
* Checking if the sticky-bit is set for /tmp
* Searching for superusers
* Checking firewall policies
* Checking if sshd is secured
* Creating and checking checksums of system programs
* Searching for installed attack tools packages

How to run Buck-security in Ubuntu servers

First you need to download latest version from here

unzip the the zip-file.

unzip buck-security_0.5.zip

To start the checks run the buck program (type ./buck while in the buck-security directory).

cd buck-security_0.5

sudo ./buck

For more information check buck security documentation

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11 Responses

  1. Eli says:

    Very cool, thanks.

  2. Raymond says:

    You need to use:
    sudo ./buck

  3. admin says:

    Thank you and i have updated the article

  4. xeros says:

    I’ve missed something like that after I’ve migrated few years ago from Mandrake Linux (not Mandriva yet) to Ubuntu. There was something simmilar called msec. I’ve had to use few other applications which didn’t met my needs in 100%.

  5. Raymond says:

    Your welcome ubuntugeek. ^_^

  6. xeros says:

    Is there any plan in near future for repository with deb packages for Debian and Ubuntu?

  7. uteck says:

    Does not seem to have as many features as Bastille which is in many repositories already.


  8. firefly says:

    Bastille is a complete different kind of program, you cant compare it to buck-security.

    Bastille is a great tool, but an automated hardening tool which changes your system settings. On the other side buck-security seems to be a very useful security scanner which scans for important things like worldwriteable files, dirs, suids, …

    Probably you should use both

  9. @xeros:
    Yes there are plans to build a Debian package and put it in some Debian/Ubuntu repository. I hope to do this during the next months for the upcoming release 0.6.

    Will be announced on Twitter: http://twitter.com/bucksecurity

  10. Slater86 says:

    Also sounds very similar to Tiger which is in the repository as well


  11. For differences between buck-security and other already existing security programs for linux (bastille, tiger, lynis, checksecurity, rkhunter, chkrootkit) please see


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