How to Change The Bootsplash In Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex)

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Bootsplash can be a simple visualisation of the scrolling boot messages in the console, but it can also present graphics or some combinations of both.For some reason there is a bug in the new version (8.10 Intrepid Ibex) that will not let you change this.

When you reboot you might see a quick flash of an error saying acpid:exiting we will see how to change bootsplash in ubuntu 8.10

Note :- This procedure only for  Intermediate and advanced users

Procedure to follow

First you need to uninstall existing usplash using the following command

sudo aptitude remove usplash --purge

Now download the latest version of splashy files libsplashy from here and splashy from here

after downloading install those two files using the following commands from your terminal or you can double click on those packages to install

sudo dpkg -i libsplashy1_0.3.10-1_i386.deb

sudo dpkg -i splashy_0.3.10-1_i386.deb

After installing new version of splashy, you will want to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst before that take a backup of your menu.lst file

sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.backup

Now edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file using the following command

sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

Look for your kernel boot option.In my case with the following line

kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic root=UUID=3dca6051-5877-438c-94c5-f5ff7803d851 ro quiet splash

and add vga=791 at the end of it so it reads similar to the following line

kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic root=UUID=3dca6051-5877-438c-94c5-f5ff7803d851 ro quiet splash vga=791

Save and exit the file.

Update your grub using the following command

sudo update-grub

Now you need to reboot your system, and you should see a new splashy splash screen on you ubuntu 8.10 system.This is just a workaround. If you know of a way to fix usplash in Ubuntu 8.10 please share with us.

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13 Responses

  1. alex says:

    theres always bootup manager. it is basically a gui for modifying grub and usplash. sudo apt-get install bootupmanager
    its a handy tool for when youre feeling lazy and dont want to modify usplash or grub with gedit/terminal.

  2. steven says:

    I’ve tried this things. And I found out, that before we install libsplashy1_0.3.10-1_i386.deb, we need to install dependency, thats why I add in terminal this command: sudo apt-get install -f libdirectfb-extra

    There is something I would like to ask:
    1. Can I make it the tux pics into widescreen 1280×800, because my notebook used that resolution ?
    2. Why my selection operating system menu, didn’t change? I’m still in white and black default menu from ubuntu?


  3. Nuras says:

    I use an application called “GRUBEditor” that does all these with GUI so you dont have to worry about command line stuff.

  4. Becca says:

    most usplashes aren’t compiled for the new kernel, recompile them from source and then it’s easy to change to the new usplash with startupmanger

  5. cp path/to/file{,backup} #backup easy:

  6. Arky says:

    On Ubuntu HH the usplash packages comes with small shell script ‘/usr/sbin/update-usplash-theme’ it will allow you to change the usplash right away or else you can type the following commands manually.

    update-alternatives –set /path/to/
    update-initramfs -u

  7. Indiana Jones says:

    If you just want to change the boot splash graphics, like the Grub background or the graphics used for bootup process, you can also use the easy to use Startup Manager. It doesn’t require you to remove any software from your system.

    Splashy has more features than usplash used by Ubuntu. Therefore I would like to see Ubuntu officially using Splashy instead of usplash, if Splashy is a project that is still alive, that is?

    But hasn’t the Splashy project been in some sort of hiatus for many months now? That would make using it problematic, if it won’t get any updates etc. Even now their website has the latest news from Oct 29, 2007, so from over a year ago, although the newest version of software seems to have got some updates even quite recently, so maybe Splashy is back from the kingdom of dead software?

  8. olek48 says:

    I changed the boot splash in my Kubuntu 8.10 using KGRUBEditor nearly only. I removed text “hd(0,0)” from line including splashimage definition in file:
    after saving KGRUBEditor settings. Try it.
    Best regards, olek48

  9. Eric says:

    Thank you very much for posting this. I recently switched from Scientific Linux to Ubuntu, and the system would hang at boot almost every time. Some times I would have reset 15 times before it would load. However, it would load in recovery mode every time, thus I assumed it was the splash package that was the problem. Editing the menu.lst file didn’t alter anything, and thus it was a great relief to come across your tutorial. Removing usplash fixed the problem – I can edit the menu.lst file, and everything boots perfectly now.
    Really I think the Ubuntu developers need to seriously consider either resolving the problems with usplash, as many people have being dealing with boot hanging over it, or switch it up to splashy, considering that splashy isn’t dropped by it’s respective developers.

  10. lizarinha says:

    Like Becca says you only need to recompile usplash source files, and use it with startupmanager, manually or how do you prefer

  11. Emeteco says:


    I change my usplash in an automated way, using a script to make ubuntu look like mac, and i randomly get the acpid:exiting error. Someone know a simple way to undo this process and return my system to a fresh install configuration? this will solve my problem? or i need to do a complete fresh install?


  12. Lozzaaa says:

    @ Emeteco

    If you ever want to get ubuntu back to normal (and still keep most of your configurations) just:

    sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

    no matter how much you screwed ubuntu up you can always just remove whatever you want and then reinstall ubuntu-desktop and it will all be fine again 🙂

  13. Quequotion says:

    Why does usplash hang at boot so often? I don’t want anyone to tell me how to fix it without telling me why it happens.

    What I hate the most is that the system always boots without error when I add the “nosplash” tag in GRUB but when I boot with “splash” and everything stops, I can’t get any output to tell me what’s gone wrong. Therefore the problem can never be solved….

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