How to Convert Web-page into a PDF File in Ubuntu 10.10(Maverick)

To convert web-pages into PDF file in ubuntu 10.10 is very easy way.

just press Ctrl and P and you will see a new box called Print.

In that you will see Print to file in printer section.

Now just press Print to file now you can see Name box and Output Formate

first you have select (.) PDF and and now you move to Name place and give and name to that file Exp:- xxx.pdf and now go to save in folder: place just press it to change to save on desktop. And press Print box.

After pressing print box it will convert the information in PDF formate

In the second way you have to go file --> print --> it will open print box as mention in above you have to convert the information into PDF format

In the third way you have to go file --> print preview --> it will open a new box called Ubuntu homepage| Ubuntu – Mozilla Fire fox in that you just press Print box and it will open print box and do same as mention in first part it will convert web page into PDF format.

Allu John Sudhakar (System/Network Administrator
UCE,OU Osmania University ), Hyderabad
to see my Blogger (for Ubuntu)
any help
mail to me [email protected]

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2 Responses

  1. Eric says:

    How about from the command line in a server environment?

  2. Jabba Laci says:

    If you need a command line solution, check out the wkhtmltopdf project: .

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