How to install Adobe Flash Player 10 in Ubuntu 8.04 (32 bit and 64 bit Hardy heron)

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15th Oct 2008 adobe released Flash Player version 10.If you want to know what is new in adobe flash player 10 check this.In this tutorial we will see how to install dobe Flash Player 10 in Ubuntu 8.04.

Preparing your system

Remove your existing Flash plugin, if you have one installed. This command will remove Flash 9 if you installed it from Ubuntu’s repository

sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree

For 32 bit Users

Install adobe Flash Player 10 in Ubuntu 8.04

Method 1

First you need to download the .deb package from here

Click the download link to begin installation. If a dialog box appears, follow the instructions to save the installer to your desktop.

Save the .deb package to your desktop, and wait for it to download completely.

Double-click on the .deb package and follow the instructions to complete installation.


Use the following command from your terminal

sudo dpkg -i install_flash_player_10_linux.deb

This will complete the installation.

Method 2

Using apturl

First you need to make sure you have installed apturl using the following command

sudo apt-get install apturl

Now you need to go to the download page menctioned above click on linux section from dropdown box select APT for Ubuntu 8.04+ Click the download link and follow the instructions to complete installation.

To get the most up-to-date Flash Player in the future, issue the following commands from the Terminal:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin

Verify your plugin Installation

To verify the plugin is installed in Mozilla, launch Mozilla and choose Help > About Plug-ins from the browser menu.


In your broweser enter the following command and check


For 64 bit Users

Thanks to Alejandro for this nice script.First you need to Download shell script from here
Using the following command


Now you need to give execute permissions using the following command

sudo chmod +x

Run the script now

sudo sh ./

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81 Responses

  1. nekohime17 says:


  2. Spips says:

    SOLVED! Thanks a lot! I had a 64bit version and the last one was the only solution that worked for me.

  3. Zenchrono says:

    whenever i type the command for 64-bit users
    sudo chmod +x
    this comes up
    chmod: cannot access `’: No such file or directory
    any help?

  4. admin says:

    @Make sure you are running this command in correct location

  5. Machado says:

    the 64 bits edition didn’t work for me i dunno why all the install progress works fine but when i open any site which needs flash plugin it asks me to download it

  6. E.M.Fields says:

    “the 64 bits edition didn’t work for me i dunno why all the install progress works fine but when i open any site which needs flash plugin it asks me to download it”

    I’m on 64-bit Jaunty, and I had the same problem. It took me FOREVER to figure this one out:

    You need to make sure the plugin is in the proper location, which is somewhat mysterious. You’re getting that message because it’s searching where it *should* be and getting a link that leads to nothing. There are several different “firefox-related” plugin directories. I had to try several different locations before I found the one that worked:

    So, this script you just ran basically put a plugin file named somewhere, probably under /home/your-username/.mozilla/plugins/

    This file needs to be moved from here to the location I just stated above.

    Furthermore, you may need to go through every last little “mozilla” or “firefox” related directory in your system and nuke any links that might be pointing to an incorrect location:

    1. at terminal, type: sudo updatedb
    2. locate *libflashplayer*
    to locate all the copies EXCEPT THE PROPER ONE YOU JUST INSTALLED
    3. delete em all. (“sudo rm /path/to/each-file-you-just-found/”)

    Admin, maybe you’ll make your own mention of this if it’s useful to people?

    chapel hill nc

  7. E.M.Fields says:


    Correction to above instructions:
    I didn’t realize which article I was responding to. This article’s method is actually installing the 32-bit version with a workaround for 64-bit users, if I remember correctly.

    You do not need to do all this anymore to install the flash plugin for 64-bit systems. Adobe has released a 64-bit binary of Flash Player 10.0.
    You can download it at “”.

    Unzip the file and proceed same way as my previous instructions. It goes in /lib/firefox-3.whatever-version/plugins/

    chapel hill nc

  8. iza says:

    Solved!! thanks!! i don t know what saved me cause i tried everything but for sure it s something you explained on this page, i m trying to get flash since lots of weeks, thank you

  9. dimaz says:

    how to uninstall flashplugin 10 & install flashplugin 9?

  10. Hoodat says:

    New to Linux here. Don’t understand a lot of the instructions I find out there. Anywhere for that matter.
    I’m running a (32 bit) HP system with Ubuntu(8.04) and Firefox (3.0.16). I just can’t get Adobe Flash Player ( installed. I keep getting a message saying that it is already installed BUT I cannot view Flash content.
    Why is this so difficult for me? Wait… don’t answer that. I probably wouldn’t like the answer, ha, ha.
    Newbie Blues…… sigh!

  11. Hoodat says:

    Ooooops, I guess 7 times is good luck. 3 times I downloaded the deb package and tried to install that directly. Then, I followed what was listed in the instructions above for the 4th time and it finally stuck. I am not really sure what I did differently but suddenly I am able to view Flash content.
    Thanks for making information like this available. It obviously helped me a lot.
    Who knows. Maybe someday I will figure all this out.

  12. six616 says:

    install adobe flash player 10 on 8.04 64 bit
    It works for my case.
    Firefox 3.0.15
    Ubuntu 8.04 64 bit

  13. dagerd says:

    Thx a lot, buddy! Great explanation!

  14. McDiesel says:

    Good things don’t always last….

    From line 12 of the script…


    HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 404 Not Found
    22:13:58 ERROR 404: Not Found.

  15. Problem.. says:

    Hi, i’ve tried your method for 32-bit but it’s not working. No “flash” plugin is listed on the about:plugins page after following your exact steps. Firefox was restarted. What now?

  16. T.J. says:

    I keep getting error stating that versions of my software are newer than the ones the program uses to operate.Configuration not completed it says.

    Any ideas?

  17. Mtz says:

    Yes. After weeks of trying and searching forums and testing various “fool-proof” methods that don’t work, I gave up and upgraded to Ubuntu 10. This solved the problem, as the flash 10 plugin comes with it (or it recognised the flash 10 libraries I had tried to install, frankly i don’t know, but it works now).

    So, unsless you have some Ubuntu 8.04 specific things going on that you’d lose by upgrading to Ubuntu 10, I strongly recommend this option. It’s very stable and I’m happy with it. Hope you’ll be too.

    Have a nice day!

  18. Hersiguure says:

    haha thanks for the help….

  19. kslawdog says:

    im using ubuntu 9.10 64 bit and I just went to synaptic package manager, installed restrictedubuntu (it also has other distros) restart computer and voilà!

  20. pramod says:

    its working.

  21. Muniraj says:

    Thanks u so much…..
    nw my videos are workng…..

    love linux…..

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