How to install shotwell 0.11 on ubuntu using PPA

Shotwell is a photo organizer designed for the GNOME desktop environment. It allows you to import photos from your camera, view and edit them, and share them with others.

Shotwell 0.11 is here! Major new features include:

Tags can now be organized into hierarchical trees
Paired RAW + JPEG images are treated as a single photo when imported from a camera
Select different developers for RAW photos: use the development produced by Shotwell or by your camera
Shotwell now uses GSettings instead of GConf to store its configuration information
"Hide Photos Already Imported" setting persists between imports
Several all-new saved search options
JPEG mimics of RAW images are no longer stored in your home directory, and are now created on demand
Shotwell now supports Windows Bitmap (.bmp) images

Install shotwell 0.11 on ubuntu using PPA

Open the terminal and run the following commands

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yorba/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install shotwell

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2 Responses

  1. Willie Matthews says:

    Seeing this post made me look more into Shotwell as a program. I really didn’t know that it could publish photos to Facebook and Google Web Albums.

    I will have to play with it some more but I think it might just take the place of Picasa.

  2. simon foster says:

    Hi. Is there a way of automating tasks into Shotwell. I have a directory where I drop photos files (always .png) and want to run a task to group them throughout the day before zipping and pushing the archive file to a web Google folder

    Does anyone know if this is possible?


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