Install acrobat reader in Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic)
This tutorial will explain howto install acrobat reader in Ubuntu 9.10 32/64 bit versions
First you need to download .deb package from here
Now you have AdbeRdr9.1.2-1_i386linux_enu.deb package
For Ubuntu 9.10 32-bit Users
If you are running Ubuntu 32-bit version use the following command to install
sudo dpkg -i AdbeRdr9.1.2-1_i386linux_enu.deb
For Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit Users(amd64)
If you are running Ubuntu 64-bit(amd64) version use the following command to install
sudo dpkg -i
force-architecture AdbeRdr9.1.2-1_i386linux_enu.deb
For that reason do you use this slow monster in linux?
How about `sudo apt-get install acroread`?
Well in order to perform sudo apt-get install acroread you have to enable the medibuntu repos first but yes that is the proper way to install it. I hate it when people start off with first download this .deb file. If there is a repo point people to the repo people!
Take that back… I just got to looking closer and acroread is no longer in acroread and has been moved to the Canonical maintained partner repo. You can turn this repo on by enabling 3rd party software in your sources manger. Then simply run sudo apt-get install acroread or install it via the new software center or add/remove applications or synaptic. Or paste this into your browser apt://acroread
I’m with the first poster. Why would you want this? The built in reader always works fine for me.
Acrobat Reader is a bloated mess that’s riddled with security holes. Peronally, I don’t run it at all and have never needed to, Evince works just great. However if you have to, you should NEVER install this mess as a standalone .deb file, because you’ll never see the inevitable security updates.
Any installation doc should come with the caveat that Acrobat has a high potential of significantly compromising your system’s security and should be avoided if at all possible.
Artem Zhirkov, Confused, Tim: I agree, Adobe Acrobat is horrible. Ironic that free software reads PDF’s better.
It’s not necessary to force install the x32 deb in x64. “sudo apt-get install acroread” will install an x64 deb from the repo. I believe it is in fact a 32 bit version made to work in x64, but still you are better off installing the correct package instead of force installing the wrong one.
I will state that there have been times with secured PDF’s that I’ve been required to use Acroread. However those PDF’s aren’t too common. When I was getting my MBA the books were in PDF form and required you to login to view them. Upon opening the PDF every page contained a security logo and the first page had a login. Once logged in you could actually view the content. (BTW I do also have 2 engineering degrees so don’t hold the MBA against me).
Also another really nice PDF viewer is Okular. I find that I miss the click and drag feature that I’ve gotten used. Evince didn’t do this for me so I’ve found I like Okular. The search feature in okular is really quite nice too. You can do a search in the side tab and then you only get views of pages that contained your search term. Makes looking at PDF schematics really nice! I only now wish I could run it in Windoze but Foxit does fairly well in that land.
I second Okular, which is the only PDF reader I have used in Ubuntu that didn’t slow down my system to a crawl. Very good reader!
You guys really shouldn’t spout off like you know when you don’t. 64-bit Acroread isn’t available in the repos for Karmic. We know it is for Jaunty, but not for Karmic. The only way to install it is forcing the architecture.
I have to correct you Chris. I thought the same thing but I didn’t have the canoncial partner repo enabled. Once I did that, acroread indeed showed up in synaptic. I’m running 64 bit Karmic.
before installing acrobat, try using “okular”. I was searching for an application that could copy a part of pdf file to open office document (text and graphics). Works fine for me on Ubuntu 9.10 (karmic) 64 bit.
Oh yeah. Thanks for the suggestion. Had never tried Okular before. Hooked me when I saw that I could actually bookmark a page in a large pdf so I could jump right back to it later.
I’ve never been terribly fond of Okular.
I use evince (the default viewer) for most purposes (or the built in PDF viewer for TeXworks). If you are going to use evince, however, be sure to install the poppler-data package, since some PDFs don’t work without it.
Still, I occasionally need to have Acrobat Reader in order to use its markup and comment features, which evince does not support. Installing from the Ubuntu partner repo definitely seems easiest.
I am new to Linux and am getting my feet wet with Ubuntu. Firefox didn’t know what to do the PDF file I downloaded, so I naturally downloaded and installed Acrobat.
But it would not install from your copied script (32 bit).
Saw that the filename in the script did not match the filename in the download, which was close enough to fool me. [9.2-1 was correct, not 9.1.2-1]
Fixed the filename and acrobat install starts.
Having read through all these comments to get to this point, I have now found Evince, and that opened the doc. So I will not install Reader.
Thanks, though…I am glad to see such great user support.
I need a PDF viewer that has a snapshot function that works like acroread’s does under Windows XP – if you print the page with a portion of the page selected it expands it to fill the whole page. I was assuming (hoping!) that acroread for linux would work in the same way, but if there are problems with using it then do any of the others offer this functionality? (returning to linux after a long absence!) Okular and Foxit allow you to select part of a page but you can’t print it directly and saving the selection doesn’t increase the size.
I needed acroread to search multiple pdf documents in one go for my PhD. Anyone know of an open source alternative of acroread that can do that. Got Adobe’s version on my Karmic 64 and does not seem to be the “horrible” devil program that some posters have made out. It’s only a poor little pdf reader non?
Love open source, and well willing to try open source alternative that has this useful search facility.
Robin Lovelace
I do a lot of work with large (70-100 MB) pdf files. Acroread is the only reader that renders files of that size quickly enough on Ubuntu for my tastes.
I use Ubuntu and Jackelope (sp?) and Firefox, and I had Adobe vs. 9 installed and it was working fine until…I got a system update last week. : o
Now, Adobe isn’t working and my Firefox windows are taking so long to respond to my mouse clicks and cursor movements I’m ready to rip all of my hair out!
So, I UN-installed Adobe 9 and installed XPDF (sorry, but this seem to be an inferior alternative to Adobe), so, at least, I have a minimal PDF reader (reader only — appears to not allow me to save PDF’s!) without full functioning capabilities.
Yikes, I’m a writer so this is a total drag!
Has anyone else experienced this inconvenient problem and/or, hopefully, figured out what the problem(s) are — what the hell happened? If anyone can share mystical insight or a resolution, I’m all eyes and ears!
I have a pdf file coming from a scan. By using Evince, the default reader of Ubuntu, I see eleven white pages over twelve (strange malfunctioning!). Using Okular it’s all OK. Thank you all folks for the good tip!
Hi all, I followed these instructions and get :
/usr/local/Adobe/Reader9/Reader/intellinux/bin/acroread: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
When I try to run acroread. I’ve googled around and can’t seem to find a good solution…any ideas?
Thanks now got acrobat reader installed in Ubuntu 11.04 🙂
And Firefox now knows what to do with pdf files.
I have to have acroread as a backup to evince because occasionally PDF’s won’t print properly from evince, but print fine from acroread. It’s also good for filing my USA taxes using the fillable forms from the IRS.
Remember, the instructions at the top are bogus. Instead:
1) open Ubuntu Software Center
2) Choose Edit->Software Sources …
3) Type your password at the dialog that comes up
4) Choose the tab “Other Software”
5) Make sure the box for Canonical Partners is checked
6) Click close
7) Go back to “get software”
8) Search for adobe reader using the search box in the upper right
9) Select it
10) Click the install button