Install and Enable DVD playback and w32codecs in Ubuntu System

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w32codecs this is a package of codecs needed to play multiple formats, notably DivX. (disponible. Maintainer: MirSPCM)

libdvdcss is a highly portable library for accessing and unscrambling DVDs encrypted with the CSS system. It is part of the VideoLAN project and is used by VLC and all other open source DVD players such as Ogle, xine-based players and MPlayer.

DVD playback and w32codecs are not a feature that is installed by default due to license restrictions.

Note: In some parts of the world using DVD playback is not legal.

Installing libdvdcss2 and w32 video codecs in Ubuntu

Support for WMV, RealMedia and other formats has been bundled into the w32codecs package. This package is not available from the Ubuntu repositories due to licensing and legal restrictions.

Edit /etc/apt/sources.list file and enter the following repositories

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

For Ubuntu Dapper Users

deb dapper free non-free
deb-src dapper free non-free

deb dapper free non-free
deb-src dapper free non-free

For Ubuntu Edgy Users

deb edgy free non-free
deb-src edgy free non-free

deb edgy free non-free
deb-src edgy free non-free

You have one more option to install this DVD playback and w32codecs using Seveas Repository

For Ubuntu Dapper Users

deb dapper-seveas all
deb-src dapper-seveas all

For Ubuntu Edgy Users

deb edgy-seveas all
deb-src edgy-seveas all

Now you need to copy the key using the following command

wget -O- | sudo apt-key add --

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install w32codecs libdvdcss2

If you want to download and install .deb packages you can download and install

wget -c

sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-1plf1_i386.deb

wget -c

sudo dpkg -i libdvdcss2-dev_1.2.9-1plf4_i386.deb

You can download Any harware Architecture from Here

Using above download locations you can install more most of the mutimedia codecs for ubuntu

If you are using Seveas Repository use the following commands to install

sudo libdvdcss2 w32codecs

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9 Responses

  1. Taylor Nichols says:

    Just what I was looking for. However only the seveas repositories worked for me. Synaptic barfed when I tried to update the freecontrib repos?

  2. sureinlux says:

    Apparently this article deals with x86 architecture. It would be nice, if it addresses the same to x86_64 bit versions of ubuntu…

  3. Alex says:

    Thanks, just what I needed. It’s amazing that no matter how many times you re-install linux somewhere you end up forgetting the exact steps for stuff like this.

  4. Gary says:

    OMG, thanks so much…was about to pull my hair out.

  5. Rowan says:

    This was very helpful, but how can I get codecs installed to play RealMedia? .rm or .rmvb files etc.


  6. stealthbear says:

    RE: ‘DVD playback and w32codecs in Ubuntu System’

    Wii I be able to play multi region BD / BLUE ray discs with this?
    I want to install Linux on my Sony PS 3, I have a Region 3 ? Far East Sony PS 3, I want to be able to play BD & DVDs ffrom all regions?

    Any help pls


  7. tweety says:

    I get the following errors when i play pm3 and mpg files
    Requested audio codec family [mp3] (afm=mp3lib) not available, enable at compilation

    Error opening/initializing the selected vedio_out(-vo) device

  8. Dombari says:

    Could you please tell me how to get the restricted extras for Ubuntu Gutsy? I am not getting the repositories for the same! Thanks.

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