Howto Install Picasa 3.5 in ubuntu

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Picasa is a software application for organizing and editing digital photos, originally created by Idealab and owned by Google since 2004."Picasa" is a blend of the name of Spanish painter Pablo Picasso, the phrase mi casa for "my house" and "pic" for pictures (personalized art).

Picasa 3.5 Features

* Facial recognition
* Geo-tagging
* Better text tool
* Awesome Tagging tools
* Photo importing improvements

Install Picasa 3.5 in ubuntu

First you need to make sure You have Picasa 3.0 already installed, as well as WINE.

You can either grab a .deb of 3.0 from here

Install .deb package using the following command

sudo dpkg -i picasa_3.0-current_i386.deb

or add the Google testing repository to /etc/apt/sources.list file

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the following line

deb testing non-free

Save and exit

Update the source list using the following command

sudo apt-get update

Install picasa using the following command

sudo apt-get install picasa

First you need to install wine using the following command

sudo apt-get install wine

Now you need to download picasa 3.5 from windows from here

Once downloaded .exe file install this by double clicking on this.

Now you need to copy installed picasa 3.5 from

/home/YOUR_USER_NAME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Google/Picasa3


/opt/google/picasa/3.0/wine/drive_c/Program Files/Google/Picasa3

Use the following command to copy or use nautilus

su cp -r /home/YOUR_USER_NAME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Google/Picasa3
/opt/google/picasa/3.0/wine/drive_c/Program Files/Google/Picasa3

Once done, You can open Picasa 3.5 from your Applications > Graphics > Picasa

Source from here

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48 Responses

  1. Ennio says:

    @Rick thanks for the trick, solved my Picasa hanging… for those who want to prevent this happening again:

    go to:
    /opt/google/picasa/3.0/wine/drive_c/Program Files/Google/Picasa3/runtime/

    and rename the “geotag” folder e.g. “geotag_disabled”

    and you should be able to click on geotag icon without letting Picasa freeze. You can’t geotag either but prevents it from hanging… in order not to worry anymore…

    there’s a javascript in that folder, perhaps a keen programmer could have a look at it to see whether geotagging can be fixed…


  2. Todd Peterson says:

    @Ennio: Thanks!

  3. juan says:

    sudo apt-get install picasa

    give an error

    Error de GPG: testing Release Las firmas siguientes no se pudieron verificar porque su llave pública no está disponible: NO_PUBKEY A040830F7FAC5991

    How can I fix it?

  4. ivan says:

    I did it but when I check the version in Help/About Picasa menu, it displays : “Picasa version 3.0.0 (Build 57.4402, 0) for Linux”.
    How can I know if I’m running 3.5 version ?

  5. Daren says:

    Seems to work for me with version 3.6


  6. Ockie says:

    Every time I try to install Picasa.exe I get the following error:

    “the file ‘/home/ockie/Downloads/picasa38-setup.exe’ is not marked as executable. If this was downloaded or copied form an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run. For more details, read about the executable bit.”

    Advise please 🙁

  7. Ockie says:

    Hi.. To clarify my previous entry.
    After I stalled wine and downloaded picasa3.5 or 3.8 or any windows version on picasa I get the same error.

    The window reads.
    Blocked: wine start /unix.

    and the error message reads:
    The file ‘/home/USER_NAME/Downloads/picasa35-setup.exe’ is not marked as executable. If this was downloaded or copied form an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run. For more details, read about the executable bit.

    I have used the same installation method before and it worked 100%.

    I need help on this one please.

    Thank you

  8. Ockie says:

    Hi. I fixed the previous problem by changing the permissions … NOW I have new error.

    When I try to copy it tells me “Files/Google/Picasa3” is not a directory.

    Any help with that?

  9. Ennio says:

    when there are “spaces” in paths such as in

    … /opt/google/picasa/3.0/wine/drive_c/Program Files/Google/Picasa3

    you have to write

    “/opt/google/picasa/3.0/wine/drive_c/Program Files/Google/Picasa3”

    in the command line, otherwise it will not recognise the intire path!

  10. Ockie says:


    Thank you very much for your help, but I just get other error messages.
    In the end I decided to just keep using Picasa with Wine.

  11. Marco says:

    thanks for suggestion on disabling geotag ! 🙂
    Now my Picasa 3.5 works again …

  12. Drey says:

    ivan says:
    JUNE 26, 2010 AT 10:26 PM
    I did it but when I check the version in Help/About Picasa menu, it displays : “Picasa version 3.0.0 (Build 57.4402, 0) for Linux”.
    How can I know if I’m running 3.5 version ?

    Same for me!

  13. mhenriday says:

    Ivan and Drey, if you see the above in «Help» ? «About Picasa», then you can be assured that you are *not* using a later version. Thus, for example, when I check the above, I see the following : «Version 3.8.0 (Programversion 117.2900, 0)Picasa for Linux». If you wish to install a newer version of Picasa, download and install Wine – I recommend Ubuntu users to download and install the PPA, thus adding Picasa to one’s repository (see the instructions on – and then downloading the Picasa 3.8 .exe files and opening them with Wine….


  14. Drey says:

    that is the simplest way. I did so yesterday and Picasa 3.8 works so far fine under wine.

  15. mhenriday says:

    Good that it works for you, Drey ; hope Ivan will try this method as well !…


  16. aasche says:

    works, but printing is broken afterwards.

  17. Bruno Coitinho says:

    I worked for version 3.6.

  18. jdalarco says:

    Hola necesito los archviso picasa_3.0-current_i386.deb picasa_3.0-current_amd64.deb que ya no estan disponibles en el servidor de google si alguien los tiene y me los puede enviar

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