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- Category: General (continued)
- Incompatibility with nVidia upstream driver installer in Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid)
- indicator-cpufreq - CPU frequency indicator (PPA installation instructions included)
- Indicator-sysmonitor - Monitor your CPU and memory usage (PPA Installation instructions included)
- Indicator-Workspaces - Simple switching between workspaces
- Inkscape 0.48.1 released and PPA installation instructions included
- Inkscape Vector Graphics Editor in Ubuntu
- Install acrobat reader in Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic)
- Install Adobe Reader in Ubuntu 16.04
- Install and Enable DVD playback and w32codecs in Ubuntu System
- Install Android Studio on Ubuntu 15.04
- Install appgrid on ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail)
- Install Appgrid on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)
- Install Appgrid on Ubuntu 15.04
- Install AVG Antivirus in Ubuntu Desktop
- Install Beagle search tool in Ubuntu Edgy
- Install BeeBEEP (Secure Lan Messenger) On ubuntu 15.04
- Install Budgie Desktop Environment on Ubuntu 15.10
- Install Bumblebee in Ubuntu 12.10/12.04 using PPA
- Install Chromium (Google chrome) web browser in Ubuntu
- Install Cinnamon desktop in ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty)
- Install cinnamon in ubuntu using PPA
- Install Claws mail (Mail Client) in Ubuntu
- Install d4x Download manager in Ubuntu
- Install DeaDBeeF 0.5.2 in ubuntu using PPA
- Install Deepin desktop environment on ubuntu 13.04
- Install Deepin terminal in ubuntu
- Install Double Commander on Ubuntu 16.04
- Install Duck Launcher on Ubuntu 14.04
- Install Empathy in Ubuntu Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy
- Install Exaile media player and Enjoy Your Music
- Install FFmpeg on Ubuntu 14.10 Using PPA
- Install FileZilla 3.4.0 using ubuntu PPA
- Install Firefox 3.5 or Firefox 3.6 (daily build) in Ubuntu Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy
- Install Firefox3.0a1 in Ubuntu
- Install Flash Player 9 in Ubuntu
- Install FlightGear Flight Simulator in ubuntu using PPA
- Install Format Junkie On ubuntu 14.04
- Install gdiskdump 0.8 in ubuntu using deb package
- Install Geary (Email program) in ubuntu 13.10
- Install gimp 2.4.7 using ubuntu PPA
- Install gimp 2.6.11 in Ubuntu 10.10/10.04 using PPA
- Install GIMP 2.8.14 on ubuntu 14.04
- Install GIMP 2.8.16 on Ubuntu 15.10
- Install GNOME shell extensions on ubuntu 11.10 using PPA
- Install GnuCash Financial Accounting software in Ubuntu
- Install google chrome with wine in Ubuntu
- Install Google Picasa image organizer in Ubuntu
- Install gPodder 2.14 on ubuntu using PPA
- Install Guayadeque music player 0.3.1 on ubuntu 11.04/10.10/10.04 using PPA
- Install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) in Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic)
- Install Jdownloader in Ubuntu 10.10/10.04/9.10 using Ubuntu PPA
- Install JRE on ubuntu 11.04 (Natty) using PPA
- Install JRE on ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric)
- Install KDE Desktop in Ubuntu
- Install Kodi 15.2 on Ubuntu 15.10(Wily Werewolf)
- Install Kodi 16.0 on Ubuntu 15.10(Wily Werewolf)
- Install latest Clementine music player in ubuntu 10.10/10.04 [Using PPA]
- Install latest plugins for compiz-fusion from git
- Install latest Smplayer on Ubuntu 14.10
- Install Latest Version of shutter in Ubuntu 10.04/9.10
- Install Latest VLC on Ubuntu 14.10
- Install Leafpad on Ubuntu 19.04
- Install LibreOffice 4.3.3 in Ubuntu 14.10
- Install Libreoffice 5.0.x on Ubuntu 15.10/15.04 Using PPA
- Install libreoffice in ubuntu 11.04/10.10/10.04 using PPA